Your ride today....

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
FIrst ride of the day was down to Billing Aquadrome to see the balloons lift off. Sadly the 'festival' is a shadow of its former self... There used to be loads flying when it was at tge Racecourse. :sad:
Still, at least they flew today as the weather was good.


First one up..



Back home for coffee and a bacon sarnie by 07:15



Itching to get back on my bike's
@PeteXXX you beat me to it although mine were taken from Earls Barton as they came along the A45 Valley , you can just about make them out in far yonder distance in this picture .


If i remember rightly Porsche added a rr spoiler to the 911 to give it some stability at high speed , well i added my spare tub and waterproofs to the back of my Claud Butler and it didnt have the same effect at all .

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
@PeteXXX you beat me to it although mine were taken from Earls Barton as they came along the A45 Valley , you can just about make them out in far yonder distance in this picture .

View attachment 100142

If i remember rightly Porsche added a rr spoiler to the 911 to give it some stability at high speed , well i added my spare tub and waterproofs to the back of my Claud Butler and it didnt have the same effect at all .

View attachment 100143

There werrn't many balloons, were there!? It used to be the second biggest festival when it was at Racecourse. Useless local council.. how could they not make a profit from it I don't know!
Still worth getting up at stupid o'clock though.


Legendary Member
Cracking weather in Leicester this morning, I was supposed to have a day off the bike today, but with the weather and the fact I only did 25 miles yesterday on the commute I decided the bike could wait for a very much overdue clean and go for a spin. Just shy of 54 miles in glorious weather and my fastest average speed for a 50 plus ride of 17.9mph. It did go to 18 at 51 miles but the last few miles of being in town traffic saw it drop. Absolutely loads of people out on bikes, then I remember the castle to castle sportive was on in Leicester today.

Got home had a shower and a brew and cleaned the road bike and the hybrid. Lazy afternoon now called for.

Heads up for Leicestershire residents, the castle classic race is on in Leicester tomorrow.


Nr Bristol
Really wasn't feeling it this morning and did a good deal of faffing before finally putting some chamois cream on my shorts which, in my strange mind, mean't I had to get ready and go out!

A nice 42 mile loop out to Malmesbury but I found it very hard going indeed. Now my hip/leg is improving it's my fitness level that is my limiting factor and boy has that dropped in the last 6 months. Out of interest I just compared my time today on a 5 mile Strava segment with that of the last time I rode it in February. 1 minute quicker than in February, but the February time included falling off right at the start of the segment and doing the rest with a broken hip!

Nice to be out and saw loads of other cyclists.


Legendary Member
Another week without a ride due to the wind and rain, so was determined to get out today and do my longest ride of the year so far.

I headed over to Ironbridge, as not been there for nigh on 12 months before today.

Took the cycle paths up to Harlescott, with the breeze actually quite cool for August, and then joined the old canal path to Uffington, before the gentle climb to Upton Magna.

I then went through Upton Forge and Norton, before arriving at Wroxeter. The sun had been replaced by clouds now and I had to keep moving to stay warm enough not to need the jacket on.

Wroxeter Roman Ruins (not a good day for photography with the light)

I followed the NCN route around Wroxeter and found the 1st evidence of just how much rain we had in the monsoon yesterday with a deep flood to negotiate.

I then climbed up Charlton Hill and joined Spout Lane for the serious climb of the day up to Little Wenlock. From there it is a lovely long descent to Coalbrookdale and then into Ironbridge, which was buzzing with tourists, but unfortunately also traffic. I did a loop down to Jackfield and over the modern bridge, before coming back along the river and walking the bike over the proper Iron Bridge.

I then battled with traffic down to the park, where I always sit and eat my lunch. It had got quite cold now and the wind had picked up, with a few spots of rain falling as well and so I was glad I had my jacket with me to put on, indeed I wore it for the rest of the ride.

I set off for Buildwas and Leighton and had knee pain start again, in the same place I'd had it at the back end of 2014. It steadily got worse for the rest of the journey and with having to battle against a strong headwind for the final 15 miles it was a bit demoralising to be honest

My route back consisted of 2 close passes from drivers on the road to Cressage, which didn't do much for my mood, a long climb up to Cound Moor, and then Acton Burnell, before a slow up and down section to Pitchford and Betton Abbots. I stopped to let the knee rest for a couple of minutes and a kind chap on a bike stopped to see if I was ok, which I said I was, but really it was hurting a fair bit.

Arrived home having done 41.3 miles and also passed the 1000 mile mark for the year. It's taken me a couple of months longer than in 2014, due to moving house and being bikeless for a good 6 weeks I think.
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Second ride of the day, once I'd had a rest from being up at 05:00!! (That's very very early for me. <yawn>) to see the balloons take off just after 06:00 at Billing.

I wanted to ride via the town centre as I had to check something out for next week. Once finished with this chore, I headed out into the countryside via Brackmills and Houghton and on to Salcey Forest.


Unusually, for a weekend, it was fairly quiet so I popped in for a blackberry & vanilla swirl, with a flake, before heading towards Denton, Cogenhoe and Ecton.


Random photo of the CX and a letterbox.

The ride finished on 31 miles, in barely warm weather. Rubbish for August, but at least it was dry!


13 rider

Saturday solo ride this week fishing tomorrow .Target for today was 50 miles . Headed of to cafe in Stathern in the vale of belvior Dove cottage as recommended to me by @dr_pink .so out from Anstey ,Cropston ,Rothley ,Cossington , Ratcliffe on the wreake ,Thrussington ,Hoby ,Asfordby ,Saxelby ,Ab Kettleby before finally dropping into the vale of belvior into Hose and then Harby .Got to cafe between Harby and Stathern down canal lane .very cycle friendly bike racks etc got there and Witham Wheelers cc were having a break .So coffee and cake and nice chat about bikes and routes etc.26 miles done so on target so on to Stathern and up the climb out of the vale to Eastwell through Scalford ,Holwell back back through Ab Kettleby Saxelby to Asfordby .At this point legs felt good so decision made to go for metric century .turn left in Asfordby and headed the back roads to Ashby Foeville then Barsby into Queniborough and on to Rearsby , Thrussington ,Ratcliffe on the wreake down humble lane into Cossington on to Rothley At this point I finished my water bottle note to self fit that second cage . onto Cropston and Home .62.7 miles done at 15.2 mph 2300 ft of elevation .Wind is begining to do my head in riding to the vale I ride along an exposed ridge and it was a horrid crosswind then turned into so lovely headwind :banghead:. Really enjoyable ride with lovely cafe stop few other riders out today. Rode a few miles with a guy from Loughborough who off to alps next week and he was telling me he been doing hill reps 12:eek: of my favourite climb of Pollybotts lane Once a ride is enough for me back home feet up watching final score the mighty Leicester City top of the league as things stand .


Legendary Member
Weather forecast got it wrong again today. Reckoned it would be warm, light breeze and dry. It was cool/cold, strong winds and rained! So well done people!

If anyone from Skipton CC is reading this, please pass on my thanks to your club members (special thanks if you are one of that group I met today now reading this) for actually stopping and offering help when I punctured on the climb above Crosshills. A pleasing bit of cycling cameraderie there!


Legendary Member
Weather forecast got it wrong again today. Reckoned it would be warm, light breeze and dry. It was cool/cold, strong winds and rained! So well done people!

If anyone from Skipton CC is reading this, please pass on my thanks to your club members (special thanks if you are one of that group I met today now reading this) for actually stopping and offering help when I punctured on the climb above Crosshills. A pleasing bit of cycling cameraderie there!

Linky no worky. insufficient privs.
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