Your ride today....

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Just done my ride for the day. Turbo time again. Weather is awful here for the next few days.

Today's workout was as follows:

Lactate Threshold:
Warm up -
5 minutes at ~90rpm+, 5 minutes doing 15 second seated sprint followed by 45 second active recovery.

Main -
6x5 minutes at 75% effort, 30 second recovery between sets (horrendous)

Warm down -
Same as warmup.

I feel sick now.
Something seems not quite right there ... How do you define a 75% effort? If it is a percentage of maximum heart rate, then that level of exertion should feel ok. I once wore a HRM for a 5 hour local ride and the only times that my HR fell below 75% was when I was freewheeling downhill. I wasn't superfit at the time.


Legendary Member
I went for another after-work ride yesterday. I left the office in Coventry at 4, and rode first to Kenilworth where I stopped at a bakers to load up with flapjacks, then followed Rouncil Lane to Beausale (on one of my old commutes and a favourite bit of road of mine), and crossed the Warwick-Birmingham road at Haseley. It was then an easy and attractive run south-west to Alcester via Bearley and Aston Cantlow, with a stop to look at the Edstone* aqueduct which claims to be the longest in England (I think Wales does better).

I’d been thinking of going to Worcester, but decided instead to get a bit more distance by heading up towards Stourbridge, which has good (and very cheap) rail connections back through Birmingham, so from Alcester I turned NW along the B4090, assisted by a good tailwind. A missed turning led me to go right through Bromsgrove, but the following stretch through Belbroughton to Hagley was among the best, small hilly roads through woods, and lit by the low evening sun as sunset approached.

Then I was back in the suburbs for the last 2 miles, and jumped straight on a waiting train at Stourbridge Junction. I changed stations in Birmingham, which still looked very lively in the half-light at 9pm, and finished with another 14 miles home from Coventry station. 56 miles ridden from Cov to Stourbridge, and 70 in all for the evening. With the nights drawing in at the speed they are, there won't be many more of these long evening rides this year.

*no relation to any ill-advised political monoliths seen earlier this year

Edstone aqueduct (where I got ants in my pants but that's another story)
20150812 (1) Edstone aqueduct.JPG

20150812 (4) Alcester.JPG

west of Bromsgrove
20150812 (6) nr Bromsgrove.JPG

the route
stourbridge ride.JPG


Senior Member
Something seems not quite right there ... How do you define a 75% effort? If it is a percentage of maximum heart rate, then that level of exertion should feel ok. I once wore a HRM for a 5 hour local ride and the only times that my HR fell below 75% was when I was freewheeling downhill. I wasn't superfit at the time.

Yeah it's pretty hard to measure, in fact, I go very unscientifically and use feelings.

30% is easy
50% comfortable
75% uncomfortable (threshold of hard)
90%+ hard/very hard

I'm only using this as a workout. I don't race or anything, so 'real' figures don't really matter to me.

75% for me is 15th gear (large ring) at a cadence of around 90. I used a wattbike for years so my cadence 'guess' is pretty accurate within, say 5 rpm.

Again, not an actual science, just fun when it's raining.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Yeah it's pretty hard to measure, in fact, I go very unscientifically and use feelings.

30% is easy
50% comfortable
75% uncomfortable (threshold of hard)
90%+ hard/very hard

I'm only using this as a workout. I don't race or anything, so 'real' figures don't really matter to me.

75% for me is 15th gear (large ring) at a cadence of around 90. I used a wattbike for years so my cadence 'guess' is pretty accurate within, say 5 rpm.

Again, not an actual science, just fun when it's raining.
I suppose there are only a few percentage points in it because on the ride I mentioned, I was riding at the top end of 'comfortable'. A little bit more effort would have made it a tough slog.

Garry A

Too nice out there today so had to get out. A route that is now becoming familiar because there isn't much traffic and there is some nice scenery. Passed Letham, Larbert, Stenhousemuir and Camelon. Took some more 'busy' roads so I could be a real roadie :huh: The one thing that has struck me since getting the Defy is just how exhilarating it is going at speed on roads with the long descents being great fun. Finished in the Helix park admiring the big horse's heids and all the ladies in their summer wear. 22 miles, that'll do.
Horse attack

Neigh bother.

Have fun!


Couple of short rides in the evening this week, both encountering Dubb Hill between Norwood and Beckwithshaw. You can see in this shot where the steep part of is, right before the summit and nicely at present marked on the road by chalked 400m and 100m markings from a race a few weeks ago. Strava however insists the steep bit is in the bottom third!
Dubb Hill.jpg

Both times I got the wind direction wrong, coming the other way it is a gentler 2 mile climb to the summit and the descent into a head wind is almost guaranteed to cause the helmet to try to escape. Yesterday heading in the direction of the photo it is typical to be doing well into the thirties at this point, not so with the wind it was a struggle to hit 20, although at least the bike was moving without any creaks for once. What seemed to be a continuously reoccurring bottom bracket creak had turned out to be the main pivot mechanism of the left pedal cleat.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
4.3 miles today. Without much incident, except I saw a couple who had their dog hitched to a carrying cart, carrying his food home from the A-B Hatchery. Students are moving back into the dormitories at Uni, and traffic is picking up, both autos and bicycles.
Winds SW12
55% Realtive Hunidity,
30.13, slow fall in the glass. (Keep a weather eye)
Nice short sharp commute along the Cam today;was going to ride all the way in but it was extreemely murky this morning so hopped on the train to Waterbeach and rode in to the city from there.
Decided to pop along to see if the main Waitrose was open to get a sandwich and other bits but as it didn't open 'till 7:30 turned around and headed back to the little one in the centre.
Gota couple of cups and some pb's on Strava so a good 'bash' this morning as I nearly didn't do anything this morning;hopefully will be a bit brighter for the ride home.

Oh and Sportfuls' hot pack x-light vest/gilet is the shizzle!


N Ireland
First outing off road with the hybrid last night. Other guys were on hardtail mountain bikes which obviously coped with the climbs up very rough lanes but about a third of the ride was on good back roads, more my cuppa tea. The bike seemed to hold up well on some pretty rough terrain. 20 mile all things told.




Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
A damp, dank and dismal ride today on the old SS bike to pick some stuff up from the shops to make a chocolate fudge cake this evening or tomorrow morning.


Lings woods in its damp, dismal dankness...


The ride was made better by picking the first blackberries of the season to put in the muffins I'm baking later, and the fact that these few miles take me just over 3000 miles so far this year.. :smile:

Back home on 4 miles, wetter than an otter in the mating season, but clutching a bag of blackberries!


Gareth C

North Pennines.
A bit late, but here you go...

Over the last couple of weekends I’ve taken part in two events, both fantastic, both surely to be done again, but so different.

First was a repeat of last year’s Ride London-Surrey 100. Last year was a ballot place, but this year I wasn’t so lucky and had to take a charity place. I was riding with my (luckier) mate Russell. He was starting about an hour behind me, so I waited for him on the A12.

While waiting for Russ, Jeff Ashton was waiting to pass something to his wife for the ride. We got chatting, and he took this great picture for us as we left.

We had a great ride out through London into Richmond Park and onwards into the Surrey Hills. The weather was perfect, so many more riders than last year meant the feed stop at Newlands Corner was mobbed. Best part of 30 minutes just to get water and find they only had bananas left for fuel (yeuck). We got caught at the bottom of Leith Hill due to the tragic heart attack of one of the entrants. Box Hill was extremely crowded, but first time up it for me, and a nice coffee stop at the top. The ride back into London was a bit tricky for me: I’d lowered the saddle by a few inches due to a suspicious crack in the frame where the seatpost goes in. This was now telling on me with hip and knee pain. Russ and I got separated around Kingston, and I missed where he was waiting for me, so ended up finishing without him and him catching me a few minutes later. Great weekend, better weather this time (but maybe less sense of achievement).

Final turn before the Mall

Nearly finished…


Back in the north, the following week was the ‘Ard Rock Enduro. I had a number of mates joining me for this, and one, a professor of Composite Engineering, pronounced my frame unsafe and told me to get a new one.

We headed off to Swaledale for the ride and hit the hills. The format is extremely relaxed: we’re only timed on the downhill sections, so can ride together, chat and chill out on the ascents, before we arrive at the start of the downhill sections. Start when you like, and either race to the bottom, or in my case, hold on and hope. The descents are on private land through the old lead mine workings of hushes (gullies stripped of soil by releasing a dam above), flues (from smelting the ores) and spoil heaps. After the first section we did a quick shandy stop in the pub before pushing on to the next section. There was then a final long slow drag back to above the start before probably the most difficult of all sections, a steep grassy off-camber descent to Reeth, with jumps and rubble where you cross dry-stone walls.


Clocking in at the start of the last section.


At the end, I didn’t finish last, we had a few beers, and Santa Cruz had a stall which suggested a solution to my road bike issues…


Looks like I’ll be doing both these again next year, though I have to say, the ‘Ard Rock must rate as the best bike event ever (see report in Enduro MTB)…!

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