After the joys of finishing work at 03:00 this morning and sleep by 04:00, I had to put the alarm clock on to get me up in time for a decent ride. After only 3 whacks on the snooze button I crawled out of bed at about 9... I couldn't possibly waste a day like today
I first rode towards town and was quite surprised by the headwind. The forecast was for chilly but calm and warming up to 12c by lunchtime. Never mind, it blew the cobwebs out..
These are a couple of silhouette 'statues' outside the Avon Cosmetics offices beside the River Nene.
Just up the riverbank a bit further are some newish developments overlooking the water..
My route from here was along cycle paths and on to Banbury Lane on the direction of Gayton and Blisworth. I reached Stoke Bruerne and needed some strong black coffee to perk me up a bit..
I was most disappointed with the Waterside Café there. They had NO CAKE(!!!!!) and not even any sandwiches. All they could offer was a muffin or flapjack in a plastic film thing. Another couple walked in and back out again, not happy, as well. That'll be my last time of calling in there. Very poor state of affairs

especially on a sunny Saturday at the end of kids half term. Maybe they don't want the business.
Coffee was nice though..
I headed towards Salcey, but not to stop, and on to Weston Underwood
Weston Underwood ~ A very pretty village to ride through.
One of the houses even has it's own 'Ha Ha'
It's a few miles into Olney from there, then, Yardley Hastings, across the cattle grids past Castle Ashby so I could ride up Cogenhoe Hill which I usually blast down. It's not a mega hill but it's a bit of a tester after 40 miles.
I needed a few extra miles to make it 50 so I went back towards the town again and sat by the bike/skate/scooter park and watched how easy all these 360's, 180's, gap jumps and drop-offs should be. Sadly I had the wrong bike with me so couldn't join in!
This lad can even do it with no head!
It kind of puts to bed the idea that all kids fanny around with playstations etc and do nothing all day and never get any exercise. There were loads there enjoying themselves. I had a chat with a chap whose 5 yr old son was up and down the ramps on his scooter.
After a 15 minute rest there, I aimed back home for my own slice of cake.
Lovely 52 miles and only the need to wipe a bit of dust off instead of the usual recent full wash and hose down (Me and the bike, that is!)