T'was a day of blue skies, sunshine and a strong hint of spring (and never mind the forecast for tomorrow and and tomorrow and tomorrow) so I led a ride up into the Blackdown Hills.
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It was great to be out though I nearly had a mutiny on my hands when our chosen lunch stop wasn't as welcoming as the false words on their website promised. A pub that serves lunch at half past one on a Saturday afternoon? Now why on earth would they want to do that? (And never mind the Website of Lies.) Plan B, a small coffee shop, was closed and Plan C was looking like empty bellies all the way home until we remembered the pub we don't usually frequent as it's between the roads we tend to ride. I was sent to spy out the land (probably so they could discuss how to dispose of my body) but to my horror I was too late ... the kitchen had closed at two.

I explained about the grumpy pub down the road and the kitchen was promptly reopened!

Even better, the food and service were excellent so we'll definitely be going back.