I had some business to conduct in town so rode down and then took the scenic route back via Uffington, Atcham and Condover. It was very nice and there was

but it was quite windy so I was pretty slow between Uffington and Condover, which is a big section of the route.
Despite the wind I was really enjoying the ride up until I met Shropshire's most moronic driver - yes, undertake a cyclist while he's turning right onto a main road why don't you. What a clever idea.
18.4 miles and only 11.8 average.
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The Old Market Hall in Shrewsbury.
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Victoria Avenue - only a week ago the flood water would have been about waist deep just here.
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Theatre Severn. The flood barriers have already been taken away.
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Between Sundorne and Uffington there is a new arch across the path.
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Atcham - again, most of the flood water has gone except in the oxbow lake.
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The Mytton & Mermaid has a garden again.
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Looking south to the Caer Caradoc and the Long Mynd