Your ride today.... (part 1)

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middle of nowhere in France
beautiful sunny day here in France, i felt guilty going out as my little dog is very poorly, one day i think he is going to die and next day he bounces back like a little rubber ball!!
but i just had to have some 'me time' so 3 hours on the bike and lots of calories gained :hyper:
beautiful sunny day here in France, i felt guilty going out as my little dog is very poorly, one day i think he is going to die and next day he bounces back like a little rubber ball!!
but i just had to have some 'me time' so 3 hours on the bike and lots of calories gained :hyper:

Calories gained:huh:..............hows that work then, or are there some café bars en route:thumbsup:

Deleted member 1258

Earlswood the destination, 53 miles the journey, last day of an excellent 4 day weekend, the first day I've time for a bike ride, and the weather is crap, blowing a hooli, trees almost horizontal at times, and intermittent drizzle, a low speed slog most of the way to the Cafe,10 minutes longer than the usual 2 hours for the 30 miles, I was surprised at how many cyclist were out considering the conditions, mostly older cyclist not many young lads out, the highlight of the trip out a Landrover and trailer coming at me down a narrow lane at about 50mph and not stopping for anybody, I had to use the verge. :sad: I was looking forward to a tailwind home but it didn't happen, I spent most of the trip home with a side wind, blowing from the right mostly and at times shaking the handlebars and blowing the front of the bike round, when I did get a tail wind I was spinning the fixed up to 23-24mph and thinking a higher gear would be nice. The highlight of the trip home the left and right turn across the A4300 Stratford Rd, left out of Nuthurst Grange Lane and immediately right into Wharf Lane, I was followed by a dark hatchback who no attempt to pass me until I waved him through after we were going down Wharf Lane and passed wide with a thank you wave, I had the same just before the end of the lane, a Mini driver followed me over the humpbacked bridge and didn't try and pass until we were the other side and I waved her through, again passed wide with a thank you wave. :smile: Not the nicest ride I've had but it was nice to get out pedalling.


Perhaps This One.....
Brief scamper out this morning, forced myself out the door into the wind and rain 'cos you know it's good for you.... Sorry but no pics again, must be a roadie thing:whistle: Quick whizz into Chertsey, round the town and back along Chertsey Lane was the plan, but it's still closed so round the Thorpe Park roundabout and home. 14 miles and an impressive (for me) 14mph average, must have been the tailwind as I also managed 6 PB's.... Spotted today, the 'London Dynamo's' on their club ride I assume, seen them up The Royal Landscape before too. On the subject of club spotting, I saw the 'Sunbury Slackers' out yesterday in Englefield Green, nice name I thought..


Re member eR
My ride today was...........disappointing.

Up early, very early. Set off for points east, heading for Selby, maybe York and back home. Anticipating a round trip of 55 or 60 miles. I got almost to Monk Fryston and suddenly I was riding in pitch black. My lights went out. Well the front one anyway. Of course I had a second light just in case. I realised the second light was still at home so I was snookered.
Stop. Turn round. Start walking.

I rode where there were street lights but I was miles into the dark unlit roads already.

In the end I did about 22 miles or so. Walk/ride. That'll learn me.:sad:


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
10 miles of single track stuff at Llandegla for me today. Went with a mate who had never MTB'd before. He rides motorcross bikes so I thought he would be fine with the red trail and we plumped for that. The initial climb from the trail centre to the proper start was hard with very strong gusts of wind, at times nearly blowing us off the path, my friend was struggling a bit with this but we made it to the top ok. There was evidence of trees falling from a week ago which had been cleared. What was more disturbing were the new fallen trees. We pressed on and went down the first descent to the edge of the forest. I stopped to check my chum was ok with the terrain, which he was. A helpful gentleman from the Liverpool area informed me that I should move quickly or I might suffer physical injury as the tree I was standing next to was about fall over, or words to that effect with some added expletives. The cracking sound as well as the moving earth next to the tree reafirmed that changing position was a good idea so we moved a bit further up the trail. At this point the earth started moving next to another tree and more cracking was heard. I am not one to panic at the weather normally, but I was starting to get a little concerned we might actually be in some danger, so we set off quite quickly. We turned the corner only to find a tree across the trail, went off the track to get around the tree turned the subsequent corner to find another tree across the trail. It was now getting silly. As we went further into the forrest the track was shielded from the wind and we were able to enjoy the rest of the run in relative safety, although I did see one tree go down about ten meters from where we were.
My mate seemed to enjoy himself and dealt with all the technical bits and pieces well. He struggled with the uphill stuff though that reflected his lack of bike fitness.
All in all a good ride with suasage barms and hot choclates when we got back to the trail centre.


have used this one a few times also takes you into aycliffe village ^_^ this one is oppsitthe hammers pub :cheers:
I passed that pub in yesterday's wind, from memory finding the cut through at the A167 for Shafto Way then the Burn Lane route back up north via Rushyford. On another calmer day I'll likely find that and do an anti-clockwise route to know both segments.
Its still well muddy on the Castle Eden pathway to that main car park south of the A689.

A windy work like 65 mile run out, that at Chester-Le-Street, found room for 4 meat feast pizzas in my backpack. Frozen kind of course, the hot ones slide badly. By the time I was showered and changed, one pizza was hot for a bit of reward indulgent.
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What a difference a day makes; overcast (with occasional showers) and windy today; sunny and less windy yesterday. I cycled against a strong wind to meet some mates and then cycled in with the tail wind assisted to the cafe. Our new friend then turned up and it was a pretty slow ride after as we nursed him round. I then went for another 50 odd miles on my own. Lol, just looked at the met data, the winds were at their strongest (32mph with 46mph gusts) when I was going into it and dropped 5-10mph when it was finally behind me. About 10miles out I bumped into another mate and rode into town with him.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Great pics again @PeteXXX ^_^

I worked on Brackmills for 5 years without seeing half the stuff you've shown us - wished I'd taken my bike for the lunch hours now :rolleyes:

Cheers.. There's lots of interesting places hidden away in most areas if we get the chance to stop and explore a bit.

Wayne Tully

Senior Member
Kentish Killer today 115KM with 2,100 Metres of climbing, I'm really happy with myself as I didn't find any of the 10 cat 4's a struggle, winter training has paid off.

At the start


At the end



Fish and chips time me thinks.
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