Up before 6 this morning, [as you do] to make the trip to Cambridge to ride with our old club on their reliability ride.
Over 100 club members turned out, you would think a testament to the weather, but in fact this is not unusual for this club whatever the weather. This picture was taken before everyone got there as I wanted to catch up with lots of old friends. dr_pink is in there somewhere.
As much as I wanted to take more snaps, it was eyeballs out for the whole ride, if glow worm of this parish was around, we swept through Swaffham Bulbeck at silly speeds. Going around Burwell on the back road we came across the group that had set off before us tending to a horse rider that had been thrown by her horse and a mile further on we were treated to the surreal sight of one the group's cyclists stood in cleats grasping the reins of a very nervous horse. He had chased it down on his bike then caught and calmed it, chapeau!
The only other picture I took.
Very difficult for me staying in touch after 60 miles as there was a tailwind and being on fixed, even holding 22 mph I couldn't quite hang on, definite lack of fitness, not so dr_pink who put some tough male riders to the sword on the hills, and on fixed

Tough day, 81 miles in a tad under 5 hours with well over 1000 meters of climbing, dr_pink unaffected, sigh.