Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Nice run Loafer, I hope you do not mind me asking a possibly a simple mapping question for you.
Is that bridleway a bit past Stainton Hill, Preston Lodge that takes you west over the A1M into Aycliffe Village OK to ride?
I might as well ask about the Heworth House NE bridleway bit too.
Up before 6 this morning, [as you do] to make the trip to Cambridge to ride with our old club on their reliability ride.
Over 100 club members turned out, you would think a testament to the weather, but in fact this is not unusual for this club whatever the weather. This picture was taken before everyone got there as I wanted to catch up with lots of old friends. dr_pink is in there somewhere.

As much as I wanted to take more snaps, it was eyeballs out for the whole ride, if glow worm of this parish was around, we swept through Swaffham Bulbeck at silly speeds. Going around Burwell on the back road we came across the group that had set off before us tending to a horse rider that had been thrown by her horse and a mile further on we were treated to the surreal sight of one the group's cyclists stood in cleats grasping the reins of a very nervous horse. He had chased it down on his bike then caught and calmed it, chapeau!
The only other picture I took.

Very difficult for me staying in touch after 60 miles as there was a tailwind and being on fixed, even holding 22 mph I couldn't quite hang on, definite lack of fitness, not so dr_pink who put some tough male riders to the sword on the hills, and on fixed :smile:.
Tough day, 81 miles in a tad under 5 hours with well over 1000 meters of climbing, dr_pink unaffected, sigh.


Lovely pics... and just so u know, i'm nuts over snow (bcos we don't hv any at all over here... none, nada, zilch LOL)

Quite true! I hate the stuff now. Loved it when I moved here. But when your winter goes from November - mid-March/April and you get snow for almost all of that, it tires you out! Today, we got 40cm... There's a drift out the back of my house about ten feet high.


Senior Member
Quite true! I hate the stuff now. Loved it when I moved here. But when your winter goes from November - mid-March/April and you get snow for almost all of that, it tires you out! Today, we got 40cm... There's a drift out the back of my house about ten feet high.

i guess its just human nature to want wht we dont hv….. but for now, snow looks & feels lovely, cant get enough of it lol….. but not the cold winds though, now tht one is spine curling :cold:

btw back in the 80s we went on a trip round the great lakes from the new england side right thru to chicago on the other end and back again. i never actually realise tht certain parts of canada is very french, at least the signages :biggrin:


West Somerset
Up before 6 this morning, [as you do] to make the trip to Cambridge to ride with our old club on their reliability ride.
Over 100 club members turned out, you would think a testament to the weather, but in fact this is not unusual for this club whatever the weather. This picture was taken before everyone got there as I wanted to catch up with lots of old friends. dr_pink is in there somewhere.

As much as I wanted to take more snaps, it was eyeballs out for the whole ride, if glow worm of this parish was around, we swept through Swaffham Bulbeck at silly speeds. Going around Burwell on the back road we came across the group that had set off before us tending to a horse rider that had been thrown by her horse and a mile further on we were treated to the surreal sight of one the group's cyclists stood in cleats grasping the reins of a very nervous horse. He had chased it down on his bike then caught and calmed it, chapeau!
The only other picture I took.

Very difficult for me staying in touch after 60 miles as there was a tailwind and being on fixed, even holding 22 mph I couldn't quite hang on, definite lack of fitness, not so dr_pink who put some tough male riders to the sword on the hills, and on fixed :smile:.
Tough day, 81 miles in a tad under 5 hours with well over 1000 meters of climbing, dr_pink unaffected, sigh.
:bravo: to the horse whisperer!

I was thinking of @dr_pink yesterday - some women in my group were talking about a charity ride they did last year. On one of the never ending hills, they were amused by an older woman who they'd been following for a few miles. She and her husband had been talking away but once the hill started, he fell silent but neither her cadence nor her chatter faltered. One of my friends took advantage of an usual pause to remark that she was having a hard enough time breathing and couldn't imagine talking as well. The man turned round and said he was struggling to even listen, at which point his wife said "fine, I'll see you at the top" and accelerated through the throng of silent cyclists, still managing to make the hill appear flat.


My Armchair
:bravo: to the horse whisperer!

I was thinking of @dr_pink yesterday - some women in my group were talking about a charity ride they did last year. On one of the never ending hills, they were amused by an older woman who they'd been following for a few miles. She and her husband had been talking away but once the hill started, he fell silent but neither her cadence nor her chatter faltered. One of my friends took advantage of an usual pause to remark that she was having a hard enough time breathing and couldn't imagine talking as well. The man turned round and said he was struggling to even listen, at which point his wife said "fine, I'll see you at the top" and accelerated through the throng of silent cyclists, still managing to make the hill appear flat.
I think dr_pink would rather be known as a 'veteran' :whistle:


West Somerset


Legendary Member
newton aycliffe
Nice run Loafer, I hope you do not mind me asking a possibly a simple mapping question for you.
Is that bridleway a bit past Stainton Hill, Preston Lodge that takes you west over the A1M into Aycliffe Village OK to ride?
I might as well ask about the Heworth House NE bridleway bit too.

you mean this one ...if so never rode it but will have a look next time I am out that way


My Armchair
Wasn't planning on riding today but nipped out for a few miles as it was dry, just a pootle on the canal and trail again, and a ride through my usual park (no kom chasing in there today @400bhp)
There was a young lad on a mtb to the side of that small puddle that told me not to go through it as it was too deep, no skills these youngsters, I've been trained by @I like Skol

Stopped for a well earned brew on the canal after 5 miles


A few years ago I'd have been on the other side of that fence hitting a little ball with a stick and getting dressed up in funny clothing, some things haven't changed :tongue:



Puzzle game procrastinator!
I think, in fact I am positive that you are both treading on extremely thin ice, but then you can always explain exactly what you meant next month when we all meet up for Colin's ride :rolleyes:.
I'm looking forward to meeting young dr_p again! :thumbsup:

Speaking of strong female cyclists ... one of my pals is a very good rider but hasn't had much time or energy for it since having her first child. She told me a week or so back that the longest ride she has done recently is only a 50 mile loop, which she does in ... 2 hours 20 minutes! :eek::bravo:
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Waiting for the turbo to kick in...
Soggy and cold ride up onto Salisbury plain, they had the red firing flags up on the range and a squaddy at the checkpoint so I couldn't continue up to Imber village.
Just as well though, as on the descent back to civilisation could hear the repeated volleys of fire from some tanks or artillery. Then got ominously passed by one of those huge military fire engines a few minutes later :eek:

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