Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Deleted member 1258

59 miles today, followed a similar route when I passed through Whalton in Northumberland a few weeks ago when I done my first 100km but cut a few miles out because last time I went the wrong way and added a few miles, but this time I went the correct way. It wasn't as warm as the last time but I suppose thats because the Summer is over:cry: but it was warm enough.

Ive noticed a lot of photographs in this thread, just wondering, are some of these photos done with mobile phones, they look very good. I tried taking a few with my mobile phone but they came out rubbish, either mobile phones don't take good photos or maybe I will have to learn how to use my mobile phone camera better such as learning how to use zoom:scratch:

Mine are normally taken with my mobile, they vary a lot from phone to to phone, I've got a basic Nokia Folder and the camera isn't as good as the Samsung slider I had before it.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Ive noticed a lot of photographs in this thread, just wondering, are some of these photos done with mobile phones, they look very good. I tried taking a few with my mobile phone but they came out rubbish, either mobile phones don't take good photos or maybe I will have to learn how to use my mobile phone camera better such as learning how to use zoom:scratch:
Mine are mostly done on a mobile phone. It's convenient coz I don't have to reduce the file sizes before posting.

I suppose I'd better give an account of today's ride having discussed it in Tea.

After a trial run the other day, my brother and I went off to film the bike vs car run into town at the rush hour. With 4 cameras attached to the bike I set off getting an early lead, which of course I lost quite quickly due to the car's speed. I then got held up at a junction so was on my own. All went well until the junction at Downes Garage, where as I was leaving the cycle path and joining the road I came head on with a car turning towards Roman Road. Brakes on! Back wheel in the air & we just missed each other!:eek:

Initially I thought i was at fault due to my unconventional means of joining the road and apologised profusely to the driver. Then I realised that she had turned into the junction on the wrong side of the road.:wacko: If she had gone the correct side of the bollard we wouldn't have come into conflict.

Carrying on into town I then had a close pass off a Discovery. I wasn't in the mood for it and he got a shout and a hand gesture.

At this point I thought there was no way of catching Doug and just took the remaining mile or so as it came. To my surprise though, I still beat Doug to the Square in Shrewsbury town centre by over 3 minutes. He'd got stuck in traffic while finding a parking space.:laugh:

Unfortunately, today's footage isn't going to be ideal for the film we are trying to make and there were some technical issues (problems with the sound from my microphone) so we'll have to do a rerun. I may avoid that junction.;)


Legendary Member
Not today but very late on Saturday evening, the enemy and I cycled from a suburb Paris toward and around the Arc de Triomphe ( which by the way is the single most scary cycling thing I have ever done ) then down the Avenue des Champs-Élysées, past/through/ round the Place de la Concorde, over the Seine via the Pont de la Concorde. We were to meet up with the organisers to take part in a 60 mile Paris night ride, the organisation of which was a complete and utter shambles. We gave up after 37 miles and cycled back to our hotel at 4am the way we came. The Avenue des Champs-Élysées which has a slight incline and is cobbled was busier at 4am than at nearly midnight when we rode down it. Completely mad.


Fast and careful!
have not rode the last two days due to a dose of man flue so the sun was shining and spotted a gap in my day and mounted my bike and off i flew,a 20 mile ride nice range of accents and decents normally takes under a hour ,4 miles in a wasp was stuck between my check and helmet strap humping my face with its stinger,but i kept the pace and sucked in the pain,after crushing the little blighter,then picked up the pace to get home and have a spray of waspeze and a rear puncture,by now the eye is watering,changed the tube and got back ,57 mins of ride time,what should be straight forward ride was a test!!

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Second attempt at filming this bike vs car rush hour challenge. As mentioned above, there was a problem with the equipment yesterday (as well as the other problems) which meant none of the sound I'd recorded could be used :huh:, hence having to redo it.

I decided to avoid the junction where I'd had my incident and took a different route which is just under half a mile longer. Apart from an irritating close pass from someone in nurses uniform (should know better.:angry:) the ride went much better this time. The gaps in the traffic were in my favour at the start so Doug didn't overtake me as quickly this time and on this alternative route I was able to scoot past the busiest junction without slowing as there is an underpass.

Another change in the route nearing the town centre took me over the river on a footbridge and via a quiet road to the centre where another handy gap in the traffic meant I wasn't held up. Glancing up Milk Street after climbing Wyle Cop I noticed Doug just parking his car. I was only about 150 yards from The Square at this point so knew I'd won easily.^_^ It took him another 3 minutes to reach me.:laugh:

After this we filmed a few pickups; basically extra scenes which will be edited in to add to the finished film, before heading back. The trip into town and back is about 7 miles, but repeatedly running back and forth past the camera for the pickups added an extra 5.8 miles. (The magic of television.:laugh:)

12.8 miles today at a not very quick 8.3mph average.

(For the record, the film is being made to promote another project so I don't know if or when it'll be available to view.)
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Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Not today but very late on Saturday evening, the enemy and I cycled from a suburb Paris toward and around the Arc de Triomphe ( which by the way is the single most scary cycling thing I have ever done ) then down the Avenue des Champs-Élysées, past/through/ round the Place de la Concorde, over the Seine via the Pont de la Concorde. We were to meet up with the organisers to take part in a 60 mile Paris night ride, the organisation of which was a complete and utter shambles. We gave up after 37 miles and cycled back to our hotel at 4am the way we came. The Avenue des Champs-Élysées which has a slight incline and is cobbled was busier at 4am than at nearly midnight when we rode down it. Completely mad.

have not rode the last two days due to a dose of man flue so the sun was shining and spotted a gap in my day and mounted my bike and off i flew,a 20 mile ride nice range of accents and decents normally takes under a hour ,4 miles in a wasp was stuck between my check and helmet strap humping my face with its stinger,but i kept the pace and sucked in the pain,after crushing the little blighter,then picked up the pace to get home and have a spray of waspeze and a rear puncture,by now the eye is watering,changed the tube and got back ,57 mins of ride time,what should be straight forward ride was a test!!
Wasn't sure whether to like these as you don't appear to have had great rides, but reckon you both deserve likes for the reports.:thumbsup:


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.

2267m ascent

I got up and decided today was a day for a century ride...the weather forcast was good and although I was tired I thought I’d go for it. So I planned a route on BRT and dumped it into the Garmin and set off into the fog.

It was cooler than I’d hoped for but I decided to have faith in the dishy blonde on the weather forecast, and she was right..the sun burnt off the fog and the road was clear!

The route

Worthing>Shoreham>Fulking/poynings>Hurstpierpoint>Cuckfield>Hawards heath>Crowborough>Royal Tonbridge wells>Blackboys>Lewis>Hove>Worthing

My previous best was 109 miles so I decided to ride to the supermarket and around the car park to clock the extra mile!


The sun staid out and for the most part the ride was under sunny blue skies, through some of the most beautiful cycling countryside I know.

A highlight was the Ashdown Forest near Crowborough, it is simply beautiful, and I wish I could afford to live there.



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Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.

[URL=] [/URL


Royal Tonbridge wells was …hmm…well it’s another town full of cars

…so I didn’t stick around and headed back out into the countryside asap.

My analysis of the cost of monster energy tins continues. On this ride the cheapest was co op at £1, the most expensive was M&S at the petrol station on the A23 at £2.16!!!!! I drank 3 tines on the ride and a bakewell flapjack.

In Lewes on the return leg I realized that this to was just another town full of nut jobs in tin cans…so I was through there PDQ.

I got as far as Portslade on the coast before the inevitable idiot driver incident…this tiny bloke in a huge open topped car pulled out without looking, nearly killing me, he shouted sorry..I shouted for him to look he told me to fark off and die…nice…typical pathetic loser driver type, just angry because his penis substitute was stuck in traffic and like him, not getting any action.

I took my time on this ride and took photographs, and paced myself so I wasn’t dizzy at the end of the ride like I had been on the 109 miler a few weeks ago.

At age 52 to be able to jump on a bicycle and ride 110 miles (probably further than most drivers I saw today drove) is a great feeling!

So...a really good ride, in what I think is some of the best cycling countryside anywhere (except for the coastal bit lol!) Autumn is nearly out there, it’s going to be Great!

I hope you all enjoyed your rides as much :smile:

(had to do two posts due to more than 15 pics)[/URL][/URL]


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I decided to try and make the most of the sudden improvement in the weather so I did a 19-miler on Saturday (1,500 ft climbing), an 18 miler on Sunday (1,500 ft) and a 20-miler today with about 1,750 ft of climbing.

Today's ride started off as a repeat of Saturday's ride but I changed my mind halfway round and did an interesting variation instead. I rode Hebden Bridge to Mytholmroyd on the Calder Valley Cycleway, then did the long climb up through Cragg Vale to Blackstone Edge (which will feature on stage 2 of next year's Tour de France). Next, a left turn at the reservoir, and a rapid descent towards Ripponden on the A58, turning off to the left on Blue Ball Lane (a.k.a. the Old Roman Road) halfway down.

I normally follow a route which involves taking lots of left turns but decided to go via Mill Bank today. There is a steep-sided valley to cross to get to the village and I normally avoid it, but it made a nice change today. So I descended the very steep Foxen Lane (which prompted me to call out "Oh, for Fox(en Lane)'s sake" when I first encountered it in the opposite direction! :laugh:) ...

View looking down Foxen Lane to the valley:

Down Foxen Lane.jpg

Looking back up:

Up Foxen Lane.jpg

It's a rapid descent to the valley bottom, then the road curves round to the right and ramps back up through the village of Mill Bank. I made the mistake of stopping halfway up that climb to take a picture to illustrate the steepness of the road. as usual, the photo does not do it justice:

Mill Bank cottages steep road.jpg

I couldn't get going again straight up the hill, so I attempted to come out from the driveway on the left just ahead. I was in a tiny gear and stomped rather too hard on the pedals which made the front of the bike kick up like a bucking bronco, almost throwing me off! :eek:

I somehow wrestled the bike back down onto the road and continued up the hill to the top. From there, I turned back up to the left and ride past Mill Bank school. (This is a lovely route but I suggest that you avoid the village school runs if you give it a go - it is a narrow road and I bet it is chaotic at those times?)

[I tell you what - I am having some problems with the post editor, but the automatic draft saving is great! My browser just seized up after I typed in that little lot, and when I restarted it, the draft was waiting for me - yay!]

I climbed up to the church at Cottonstones, took a right, then turned immediate left up Kennel Lane. This is a lovely singletrack road, but avoid at all costs in the winter - it won't get gritted, will not get the sun and it is steep!

This lane eventually rejoins my normal route which descends through Hubberton Green and Boulderclough.

Obligatory animals in field shot:

donkey and ponies.jpg

Now the usual rapid descent to Scout Road. This is closed because of an asbestos scare, but it is still passable by bike if you clamber over the concrete blocks in the road, remembering not to breathe in the asbestos, naturally!

That comes out back in Mytholmroyd where I retraced my wheeltracks.

Today's route profile:

Cottonstones loop ride profile.jpg

Today's heart, lungs and leg report:

Doing better than of late! I am getting quicker up the Cragg Vale climb, without having to try too hard. I have gone from 1 hour when I first started riding again post-illness, to 50 minutes, to 40 minutes on Saturday, to 37 minutes today. Still a long way off my target time of 20 minutes, and even my previous best of 23.5 minutes, but in the light of my recent health history, I am not complaining! :thumbsup:
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