Got up feeling pretty low TBH, got stuff in my head to deal with…so..what to do…jump on the bike and head off into the wild blue yonder..well West Sussex anyway.
Forcast was for the rain to hold off until this afternoon so I thought I’d head out on a familier route as I didn’t fancy getting lost as the rain came in. In the event I rode up through pulborough and turned south to Duncton hill just before reaching petworth. The wind was from the NW and for the first time in weeks it had a cool chill in it, Autum is approaching fast.
I stopped for a drink at a tesco express where the guy on the till won my award of the year for the happiest soul behind a checkout till! Maybe he was a secret lottery winner just filling time before the chauffer picked him up in the limo or something!
The wind slowed my average speed down a fair bit, but I’m not out there for stats, I’m just enjoying the ride and leaving a few demons along the side of the roads.
Two close passes, both HGV’s, both rushing to get past over double white lines into oncoming traffic that had to slow down to a halt to let them cut me up..situation normal then.
I headed back through the villages of Slindon and Yapton. In Yapton I stopped and sat on the park bench just people watching, it’s amazing how many full grown men still ride those small bikes with saddles lower than the pedals with their jeans down around their backsides with baseball caps on backwards.
The bike rolled really well now I’ve figured out how to stop the rear wheel wobble of late.
I felt like riding another 50 miles, I easy have that in my legs, but the sky is getting darker and riding in the rain isn’t my fav thing…so I choose a sandwich and a cup of tea and classic rock radio!