Your ride today.... (part 1)

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London Female

Über Member
...actually I ve just been looking at my gps screenshots for today vs yesterday...almost bang on the same ave speed time etc even with a buggered front mech....hmmm...why was i so slow yesterday then:rolleyes::laugh:

I wouldn't consider either of those rides slow but maybe that's because I am very slow :smile:


World class procrastinator
Took the opportunity to go for a quick ride after feeding the dogs today.
Just round local roads to Wreningham, going straight across the cross roads for the first time ever, down to the main road and back up the road to Lotus cars, hooked a right past the actual factory and along the cycle path and then headed back to Wymondham.
MMR says 11.53 averaging 12.5mph

I was not feeling the love tonight, all sluggish and fed up. I had different wheels on too. My Aksiums - or the front one anyway has had a visit from Princess P Fairy (while in the shop being trued!) so I had my Giant wheels on today. Not sure if it made a difference though.

Old Plodder

Living at the top of a steep 2 mile climb
....had a visit from Princess P Fairy (while in the shop being trued!) so I had my Giant wheels on today. Not sure if it made a difference though.
Sounds like your bike shop didn't take the tyre, tube,& rim tape off.
Likely you have a protruding spoke to cause a 'P', they should have filed the spoke end down level with the spoke nipple's head.
Went to London for a pootle. Marylebone to Limehouse on the canal and back through the City. I l ove cycling in London!

Day would have been better if I had not left my SatMap GPS with my pre-planned route and my Garmin at home when I left in a bit of a hurry after not noticing the time :banghead:

Still reckon the most dangerous bit about London cycling is the bl00dy pedestrians!


World class procrastinator
Sounds like your bike shop didn't take the tyre, tube,& rim tape off.
Likely you have a protruding spoke to cause a 'P', they should have filed the spoke end down level with the spoke nipple's head.
I'll get the tyre off and have a look. They are a pretty good LBS, never had an issue before. I might have to withdraw my cake services if they are not going to do a proper job :eek:


World class procrastinator
A slightly interesting ride this evening. I rode off on my usual 11mile and a wee bit route but after the cycle path at Hethel decided to go right for a change and thought that I would come back via Ashwellthorpe. Off I went, pedal pedal and then came to a main road. Aha! thought I, its the Wymondham Road and I don't like riding on that so I'll go straight over. Soon I started to see signs for villages that I don't really know but I had heard of Hapton so I followed those ones. It seemed like a plan. I rode through Flordon, I used to exercise a client's horse out here way back when so I knew that I was near Wymondham - ish. I carried on and through Hapton. On a bit more, pedal pedal swig drink pedal. By now I was expecting to see something pointing me to Wreningham or Ashwellthorpe but nada. I skirted Forncett Saint Mary and started seeing signs for Aslacton and thought 'that can't be right, I had better stop and look at the map.
The map was a good plan. It appears that I hadn't crossed the Wymondham Road after Hethel, I had bypassed that entirely and had crossed the B1113 and into unknown territory. I was a bit worried as I had no passport and wasn't sure of the currency that side of the 'big road' so I zoomed out a bit on my phone MMR map and could see that I was a bit away from where I needed to be, and indeed, thought I was.
I hooked a right and pedaled on to yet another unfamiliar junction and had another look at MMR. A chap in an estate car pulled up and asked if I was lost. I said that I knew where I was, thank you very much and that I was just deciding if I had time to go the pretty route home. I didn't know who he was but he was not from our side of the big road so wasn't going to take any chances. They are a funny lot over there.
I hooked another right and found myself at the junction of the B1113 and turning right again, I rode down it through Fundenhall, past the Kings Head and then on to the Ashwellthorpe turning.
Phew! Back on the right side of the big road (actually its the left but you know what I mean). Pedal pedal, swig, pedal and onwards through Ashwellthorpe, past the Wattlefield turning, over the A11 bridge and a quick whiz down a tiny bit of the long hill (boo hiss, cos I had been up a lot of hills - Norfolk hills anyway) and then turned into ours.

I was very glad to be home. I have been 'over the road' and I live to tell the tale. It was getting dark too, the 'over theres' might be even stranger in the dark :eek:
18.84 miles, ave 14.1, time 1:21:11


Legendary Member
newton aycliffe
took the boardman out for a spin .... to take my mind off dads funeral(tues) was doing fine till letter from the DWP this morning brought it all back felt better afterwards though :smile: but can tell its going to a long and hard journey back to were my fitness should be mileage for the year below 300...:sad: I should have used the carbon bike ...


Old Plodder

Living at the top of a steep 2 mile climb
... but can tell its going to a long and hard journey back to were my fitness should be mileage for the year below 300...:sad: I should have used the carbon bike ...
It does take some time, if you are of the 'older variety' like me, I was off for 8 years caring for my mother, but it will come back gradually. I can (just about) do a fifty miler again.
(Used to ride 100 miles regular, before.)


Legendary Member
newton aycliffe
It does take some time, if you are of the 'older variety' like me, I was off for 8 years caring for my mother, but it will come back gradually. I can (just about) do a fifty miler again.
(Used to ride 100 miles regular, before.)

hi fatmac....yes I am (58)
had almost all this year off ...... 3 eye operations stopped me riding earlier... also missed all the Darlington rides:sad: done them for years hope to get back out with my club soon (sticking with the oldies):laugh: for a while

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Shhh, don't tell anyone but I have been racing.:secret:

My brother asked if we could do a comparison between a bike and a car in rush hour traffic for a possible film project. So just before 8.30 this morning we started at the Parade in Bayston Hill and headed for the Square in the centre of Shrewsbury, a distance of about 3.5 miles.

I had expected Doug to get stuck in traffic fairly quickly as there are three places where it usually queues on the shortest route into town. Unusually though it was very quiet for a friday (coz it's the 13th perhaps???:scratch:) so he was able to get into town without any hassle. However, the car still had to be parked up, which gave me the opportunity to reel him in and I was first to the Square by about 2.5 minutes.:dance:

After a hot chocolate at Bellini's I didn't rush and took the scenic route back through the Quarry, past Atcham, Cross Houses and Condover and over Lyth Hill.

20.5 miles done at 11.8 mph average.


Some of you will have seen this before but I thought I'd grab a shot while passing. In the churchyard at St. Chad's.


It's a relatively unusual design of church.


Looking into the Quarry from the main gates.


The Boathouse Inn has had a bit of a makeover. Might be worth trying at some point.


Cronkhill. This is a National Trust property near Atcham. It's only open to the public occasionally as it is tenanted.


Blast, brought the wrong bike to go that way.:whistle: I want a bike clever enough to cook.;)


Boreton Ford. I usually use the footbridge out of shot on the left, but it was shallow enough to ride through today.
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A 53 mile round trip this morning. It began raining 5 minutes after leaving home and stopped 5 minutes before arriving back home. One puncture (ever noticed how easily a sodden tyre slips back onto a soaking wet rim), and a lovely bacon sarney and large tea from a roadside burger bar just outside Dunmow. Nothing of real note to record, I just enjoyed the ride in a masochistic sort of way.
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Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
A 53 mile round trip this morning. It began raining 5 minutes after leaving home and stopped 5 minutes before arriving back home. One puncture (ever noticed how easily a sodden tyre slips back onto a soaking wet rim), and a lovely bacon sarney and large tea from a roadside burger bar just outside Dunmow. Nothing of real note to record, I just enjoyed the ride in a masochistic way.
Fair play .:thumbsup:

London Female

Über Member
Went to London for a pootle. Marylebone to Limehouse on the canal and back through the City. I l ove cycling in London!

Day would have been better if I had not left my SatMap GPS with my pre-planned route and my Garmin at home when I left in a bit of a hurry after not noticing the time :banghead:

Still reckon the most dangerous bit about London cycling is the bl00dy pedestrians!

I was speaking to someone who will only ever ride off road because, he says, riding on the road is dangerous. I explained to him the only time I was knocked off was by a pedestrian on a cycle path who didn't hear my bell because they had earphones in. The only time I have fallen off was riding off road on the Ridgeway.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
8 and a bit miles over to a mates this morning (having finished work at 02:00 and up at 07:00 as the 5yr old granddaughter is staying for a few days/nights..) then load the bikes onto the cars for 4 of us to tackle Fineshades and Wakerley Woods trails. It pee'd down on the way there and we thought we were in for a soggy day, but it stopped 15 mins before we arrived and the sun came out.


We only did 9 miles there, up and downs the tracks, but it was a great laugh, especially on a few of the really muddy sections.One of the chaps nearly ran over a snake....Probably an Adder, but it shook the poo out of him!!
I took a likely looking line through one 'puddle' and found it was nearly hub deep in goo!! Luckily I had fitted a pair of Muddy Marys for the ride and apart from putting a foot down to steady myself, managed to plough through it!

Back to the bike shop and café for coffee, cake & a chat for a while afterwards.
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