Thought I would try to get out 3 days in a row, but once life sorted itself out, it was clear today was going to be way too hot to go out during the day. The local weather recording station stated it was 28.4C at 5pm & 6pm, so I waited and waited and... eventually got fed up and went out on the mtb to at 7pm to find some shade in Delamere Forest.
It nearly all ended in disaster before it had really started. I hit a rut too hard, too fast and with the front suspension locked out on my mtb on a local bridlepath and the only thing that can be said is for one minute I though I had broken the frame on the bike from the noise. Eventually I continued and finally sussed out what the problem is (roughly speaking... seems to be a front brake pad issue which will get investigated fully tomorrow) at least I think I have found it - it sounds like a broken spoke rattling, gets worse at speed and shuts up if you apply the front brake lever without really applying the brakes... anyhow I decided after 5 mins of investigations that being eaten alive by insects was not preferable to conitnuing my ride and got back on the bike and decided on a worse thing that can happen policy - front brake won't work (and I can't easily apply the rear brake with my left wrist issues) so the ride might just be slightly faster than planned...
(Part of Blackberry Alley - just at the bottom is where I had the issues...)
Delamere Forest seemed strangley deserted at first, but before long mountain bikers outnumbered dog walkers by around 10:1 but I did notice I was the only female out there tonight. Had a little fun with one guy on an expensive full suspension mtb when I caught him up, overtook him then nonchalantly sat up and pulled my water bottle from its cage and took a drink... (sorry, I was having a little fun with him...

Then it was a case of time to get home. Light was starting to fade, but it hadn't gotten any cooler and I was running out of water, my OH would be trying to locate me - the iPhone isn't standing up to being knocked around anymore, so I go out without a phone using the principle there are plenty other phones around to use to call 999 in an emergency. (I know the day I need it there won't be but...).
Oh and I have to apologise to anyone who heard my rather feminine squeal in Delamere Forest. A rather large dragonfly and I had a coming together, first it wrapped itself around my handlebars, then around my good leg and I was not inclined to leave it there whilst it tried to sting me! So sorry if you no longer need to clean your ears out, it was a rather high pitched sqeal and I am somewhat embarrassed about it
So just the 21.4km (old money, not much = a little over 13 miles), in 1hr 24 mins which on sand & rough tracks in hot temps is not too bad for me. (I hate cycling on sand, comes from 2 years of commuting to work on it).
Evening light over a local field - the black blob is a crow.