Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Spoked Wheels

Legendary Member
My usual Sat ride to the New Forest. Again, very windy along the promenade this morning but beautiful day all the same. I cut it a bit short today, 36+ miles, to come home and cook a BBQ for my daughter and her friends, they just completed their degree. On the way back from Burley I had perhaps the bad idea to get on the wheel of some riders that were much younger, slimmer and fitter than me. I miscalculated the extra energy to keep up with them would be about the same as going further, boy, was I wrong? :laugh:

Having a rest at the moment while my daughter and her friends spend the afternoon at the beach. Waiting for that call "we are starving and coming home" ^_^

tug benson

Survived the Tour O the borders 2013

I hot 73 miles today, from Alloa up over Glendevon, headed out to Dunning then went up the Dunning hill, from there headed to kinross, then up over the Cleish hill, was feeling ok so i headed up by knock hill, then back home to alloa going through Saline



Deleted member 23692

A nice leisurely 25 mile trundle around the local countryside going wherever the desire takes me. Quite uneventful but very enjoyable.

This cow seemed quite happy in having this field all to itself....



Legendary Member
A 2 parter for me today.

Part 1 - Cycled over to Mum & Dad's, as they are looking after my nephew for the weekend. Cycled out from Shrewsbury to Bayston Hill and then climbed up Lyth Hill to the top, via the moguls course!! Well, it isn't strictly a moguls course, but the track has been worn by massive puddles over the past couple of years and so it resembles one! I reached the top to see this amazing view of the Caradoc and Lawley in Church Stretton.


I checked to see if my filling's were still intact from the Moguls and dropped down to Exford's Green and then across to Stapleton.

Had a nice snack lunch at Mum & Dad's and watched the Cricket for a bit, and played Moshi Monsters with my Nephew and then set off for part 2.

Part 2 - Set off from Stapleton and headed to Gonsal and then over to Condover, and along to Atcham, where I stopped for a break on Atcham Bridge and watched a couple trying to navigate their boat down the River Severn (badly, including backwards at one stage!!) and they can just be seen in the picture below, along with a wading fisherman


I then proceeded along Berwick Wharf, amongst the idiots who pass with about 10 cm of clearance and then into Uffington and along the old canal path back home.

All in all a lovely 2 part ride in warm sunshine, but with a nice cool breeze.

23.32 miles, max speed 25.2 mph, avg speed 11.3 mph


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
Just under 60 miles with 400bhp to Delamere Forest. Started by forgeting my bottle, but luckily 400bhp had two so I blagged one of his. As is usual with Mr 400 a route involving some tracks to test the off road properties of carbon fibre road bikes was plotted and followed. This caused an unexpected equine interaction.:whistle:
Good but pricey food at Delamere, then a very pleasant ride back in glorious sunshine:sun: . Oh and didn't forget the obligatory food shot for @potsy


My Armchair
Just under 60 miles with 400bhp to Delamere Forest. Started by forgeting my bottle, but luckily 400bhp had two so I blagged one of his. As is usual with Mr 400 a route involving some tracks to test the off road properties of carbon fibre road bikes was plotted and followed. This caused an unexpected equine interaction.:whistle:
Good but pricey food at Delamere, then a very pleasant ride back in glorious sunshine:sun: . Oh and didn't forget the obligatory food shot for @potsy View attachment 24411 View attachment 24412
You look a lot shorter there stood next to 400bhp is he stood on a box? :whistle:

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
After being very indecisive this morning, I decided to do a Long Mynd ride after realising I haven't ridden up there since February.

The route was the one I do most often when I go up there: Condover, Longnor, Church Stretton, Little Stretton and climbing up onto the top via Nutbatch and the gliding club.

I had a nice fast run down to Little Stretton thanks to a following wind and found the hills easier going than last time I rode this way. (Possibly the couple of recent big mileage rides have helped a bit.^_^)

At one of my stops I got chatting with a chap about the Austin 7 on his drive and he kindly showed me a couple of other nice classic cars tucked away in his garage. :thumbsup:

Up on the top of the Long Mynd there appeared to be an orienteering event going on as I kept passing groups of people with maps and compasses, looking a little bit like they've never seen them before. :giggle:

The wind that assisted the first half of the ride was now against me and although it wasn't strong (in Long Mynd terms) I could really have done without it as there is still a reasonable amount of climbing between the gliding club and Pole Bank.

At Pole Bank I met only the second group of mountain bikers I'd seen all trip. They'd found it hard going and were on their way back to the pub at Marshbrook.

The rest of the ride was fairly quick despite the headwind and very enjoyable. The only downside of the day is that all my good work cleaning the bike a few days ago has been undone by the dusty trails.:sad::laugh:

Just under 37 miles done at an average of 11.9mph. Happy with that considering the amount of climbing involved.:thumbsup:


Drink stop under the boughs of an oak. This is just before the first big climb of the day.


On the climb up Nutbatch


The climb just seems to go on and on. It's something like 600 feet in 1.5 miles.


That is not the sight I want to see when I'm about to turn right onto the road.:whistle:


The Midland Gliding Club premises.


Bluebells near to High Park


The view of Caer Caradoc from Plush Hill. I dropped down into All Stretton from here.

Austin 7.jpg

The Austin Seven. Very cute. Can I have one?


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Today did not pan out as planned. Planned to do seventy miles and did thirteen.

I cycled to the station to catch a train to Darlington which was celebrating the 150th anniversary of its indoor market. I'd been tipped the wink that there was a roast ox stand and I fancied sampling it. I intended to pedal back from Darlo to Leeds but it was not to be. I socialised, drank too much beer to feel energetic enough to pedal back so came back by train and slotted in a canal side ride back home. Twelve miles in Leeds and one in Darlington. So glad that I spotted that a return ticket was 10p more expensive than a single and bought a return just in case.


My Dave Yates' Randonneur


Victorian street entertainment.


I didn't feel bold enough to try this. Lot of teenagers did though.



Dark Arches under Leeds Station


Tow path Kirkstall

Still managed to get a cyclists' tan as my drinking was done outdoors. :cheers:

I'll have a proper go at a ride tomorrow.....


My Armchair
Short ride today to loosen the legs (and to avoid more gardening duty)
Another nice day in sunny Manchester, plenty out and about, as usual my rides go through Tatton Park


Gets a bit hilly in there


Stopped for a bit of lunch, not quite up to @Hacienda71 standards


After Dr Dolittle's @400bhp's antics yesterday I tried to join in, this particular piece of wildlife (possibly a cow but I'm a townie so am not sure) wasn't quite as friendly, though it was having a good nosey at my bike

what you lookin at.jpg

Just to prove I do wear shorts now and again

legs out.jpg

New wheels fitted yesterday were tested, and before @coffeejo asks, the answer is 'not yet' :tongue:

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