Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Legendary Member
First proper ride out since New Year's Day - the cold I thought I'd beaten came back and hit me hard so all I've been able to do is the basic commute.

Picked up my latest bike (a Kona Jake fitted with full mudguards & Schwalbe Marathons thanks to Cyclescheme) last weekend but changed back to the original knobbly tyres this morning in anticipation of next week's weather and gave it a full 40 mile back road test this afternoon. Started out with the temperature at 1.7°C and got back with it at 0.5°C but thankfully only light winds.


Senior Member
26.8 miles, my longest ride yet. legs were dead from a lower limb physio class I did yesterday. Still got 8 Pr's on Strava and averaged 17.1 mph so it can't be all bad. Left foot numb from the cold and just couldn't get rid of the pins and needles in my right hand. Nice pootle round Windsor and Eton. Saw quite a lot of other cyclists out.
11.30am, 0.9C and blue sky, there had been a heavy frost during the second half of the night and the road outside the house was so white we thought it had snowed. It was as good a time as any to get out and ride into the hills. 3 miles into the ride heading west we could see a bank of mist that lookes about a mile away but less that half a mile later we were skirting the edge of it. There was an ethereal quality about the sun trying to pierce the mist and seeming to light it up from within, very atmospheric. Unfortunately we hadn't equipped ourselves with lights so had to turn north east into clear sunny weather, the small rural roads we were on were often sheltered from the low sun and this was the result


Only 16 miles in the end but the last 4 were at a very good average, catching 3 of our friends who were out training so an enjoyable ride. Tomorrow looks more interesting.


Legendary Member
17.41 today down the snowy lanes of North Oxfordshire. The skies cleared sun came out for a couple of hours so I managed a quick nip round the route on the 'brid. The last mile though the wet roads were getting slippery and my average speed overall was slower today, but it was nice to get out.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
A 20.5 mile jaunt this afternoon into Shrewsbury then back via Upton Magna, Atcham and Condover.

I still had my tyre pressures lowered from the other day which seemed to help on the small amounts of ice I encountered but the bike doesn't half feel slow now, even though my recorded average speed of 11.6 mph was quite similar to last time I rode this route.:wacko:

Just the one picture this time. I tried to take more but my phone was playing up and either wouldn't focus or wouldn't take the shot.


The new bridge at Atcham and in the background, what was a lake last time I was here is fields again.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Lanes are icy around here so i rode on some main roads. I'd forgotten just how mind numbingly boring they are - not to mention the traffic too. Anyway another 48 notched up in some sunny but cold weather. I want my lanes back!!


Legendary Member
21.22 miles today, same route as yesterday but I added a hill, which this time last year I had to stop for breath, lay down, have drink and be resuscitated once I got up it, but now it no longer troubles my whelm.

Some of the single track lanes were very slippery today, but the sun was out again, and it felt nice riding the bike at 4.30 pm and it not being quite dark yet.

Edit: a snap shot from the GoPro of today's ride.


  • Snapshot 2 (16-01-2013 20-16).png
    Snapshot 2 (16-01-2013 20-16).png
    63 KB · Views: 22


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I rode into Leeds as normal and had an afternoon meeting south of Wakefield. People thought I was made when I took the bike, even though it was 15 miles away and 8 miles back home.

Or at least that what it should have been. The road here was shut due to problems under the railway bridge near Netherton, leaving me 3 miles extra to ride up a hill - at least the downward was good. Made the meeting in time, but did a different (and shorter) route back.


Active Member
Sixteen miles in my lounge on rollers. Too cold to venture out as I haven't really got proper winter kit.
Rollers are hell compared to the road.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Took the MTB out with its Schwalbe winter tyres fitted (to avoid a repeat of last weeks off) and took the train through to Edinburgh for a change of scenery. Went to the Meadows then through the Innocent Tunnel and along the pathway to Musselburgh. From there, along the south bank of the Forth through Portobello and Leith, then to Cramond. From Cramond, onto the path used on the PFS route into the city centre, and then a few miles around the city before taking the train back to the civilised west coast :smile:.
The good: Weather was nice and it was good to be back out on the bike after last weeks injury.
The bad: Schwalbe winter tyres lost another few studs (Luckily I have some replacements after e-mailing Schwalbe)..
The ugly: Some thieving scrote decided to help themselves to the front section of my Topeak M1 front mudguard while the bike was locked up for 15 minutes outside the new shopping centre at Leith waterfront (where the Royal yacht Brittania is parked). They managed to break the bracket at the same time. New one on order from ChainReaction for £14.
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