Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Slapped the slicks on the MTB and managed a quick 12 mile road ride before the snow started.

There seemed to be plenty of ignorant/arrogant cyclists out on the cycle path this morning - maybe they aren't as good as the dog shite slalom as me :smile:

Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
A very pleasant 2 stage, 40 mile or so ride back from north west Norfolk (yesterday). Set off in bright sunshine and was soon over heating so lost a couple of layers 4 miles in at Syderstone even though there was frost on the road still. Lots of shooting going on and one field must have contained at least a dozen guns. Luckily they were pointing away from the road, though I'm not sure the pheasants would agree. Was viewed suspiciously by some of the fallow deer herd from behind the fence at Houghton Hall as I stopped for a drink.
Then rode on through Anmer on the Sandringham Estate where Brenda is rumoured to be offering Anmer Hall to her Grandson William and Kate - a lovely place it is too. And I thought I was chuffed when my Gran have me £25 once! A few years back, the Duke of Edinburgh whizzed past me on a horse and trap thing near here- he's pretty into all that apparently. Flew down the steep hill (yes we do have some hills in Norfolk!) into West Newton (after 12 miles of riding without a single car passing me) then on through the forest onto cycle route 1 through Castle Rising and into King's Lynn where I battled the usual teenage comedians at Lynn Sport trying to block my path. I hadn't the heart to tell them how dumb they looked on them idiotic kick scooter things.

A cuppa at Kings Lynn station (where they make the best tea in any railway station in the country by far) and then caught the 1pm train to Ely. From there,I headed south alongside the river on swamp route 11 through Barway and Padney for the final 15 miles. You see more Polish registered cars hereabouts than British as a lot of the guys at the big salad packing place there are Polish. and a pretty friendly bunch they seem too. Dodged the guns of another pheasant shoot and then on through Wicken Fen and back on to my home patch where there were several more deer- this time wild roe deer. The wind was against me for the last few miles and I was glad I had decent gloves. Sailed home down the hill from swaffham Prior where I washed half of West Norfolk off the bike! All in all, a bad day for pheasants in East Anglia, but a near perfect one for cyclists.


Yay! First rides out of 2013... 33 miler to Liverpool yesterday @ 14.5 mph avg, and a slower 23 mile slug back today at about 13.5 mph. Glad I was wrapped up warm!

40.4 miles on my newish MTB and what a corker it was.

I left Clevedon and decided to go for it over the Hill Fort in Tickenham, very nice with an amazing view at the top of the hill - this was new territory for me. Ended up coming out, as planned, back on the road and continued on to Ashton Court. I'm getting to like Ashton Court and the bike really started making sense today if that doesn't sound too pretentious - I felt a lot more confident some 100 miles or so in and the brakes don't squeak as much. Of course it's still filthy up there in places.

I then went on, after 3 -4 circuits to Leigh Woods - a hitherto unknown quantity and some of it was pretty technical which surprised me. Next time I'll probably spend a bit longer here but something tells me that Ashton Court will tbe the place - Bristol side at least - that I'll keep going back to. But, they are of course yards apart so both can be done in a day, so 2 or so circuits later I'm headed for home out of the woods and back the way I came, hoping to take in a few new paths the other side of the Hill Fort already mentioned, over the M5 on a footbridge and through a woods nearer Clevedon which I'd read people rave about.

All in all, a good ride and I only used around 40 litres of water washing the bugger down. One bath, some stilton and a glass or three of Fitou later, the bike might be ready for re-lubing etc before chicken with peppers and roasties.

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