Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Über Member
Only 40 miles with the club today, however we purposely seeked out four Cat3&4 climbs, with some with 20% sections which was a bit of a challenge! Me and another rider (who'd just got back from a tour in Switzerland) tended to get in a race for the top of the climbs, however he always seemed to come first out of the group with me close second - all in good fun!

All in all a morning out on the bike, and a well deserved sausage sandwich at the coffee stop!


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
We did actually meet a dog after the tea stop, but it was rather smaller than that!!
Wasn't a poodle either. But a very cute puppy :wub:

Old Plodder

Living at the top of a steep 2 mile climb
My wife and I e-biked to the local country park for a coffee and a muffin, then home again.

On the way back we encountered a group of CTC riders. I hope I don't offend anyone on this Forum if I observe that they seemed a bit of a wierd bunch.... they were all riding along in silence and seemed oblivious of anyone else - such as my wife. She was browned off all the way home by their attitude.

(I sincerely hope I have not offended anyone by my comments. I only report what we experienced today, and would not wish to imply in any way that all CTC groups act in the same way......)
Definately not the usual CTC attitude; perhaps they were just knackered. ^_^


It's a bleedin' miracle!
Rorke's Drift
1st ride of the year,after a four week lay off. Just about fit again, still got a bit of a cough. 15 miles down the coast to Colwyn Bay, overcast and a bit breezy but not too cold.


Powered by caffeine & whisky
60 miles today, into Bedfordshire and back. Stopped for coffee just over half way at a favourite stop near Tring


West Somerset
Managed to enjoy a few miles of sunshine this morning before the clouds descended when I was about half way round a 30-something mile loop, which took me to the edge of the Somerset Levels.

Approaching the village of Curry Mallet (home to one of my favourite coffee stops) from the south-west, looking SE:
IMG_7178 (800x451).jpg

On the return leg, I passed a guy on a recumbent who had a puncture and was cursing himself for not taking his toolkit/pump on what was meant to be a quick 10 miles, so I offered him access to my puncture repair kit and pump. I'd just removed a large chunk of glass from the tyre when he discovered that the glue had gone hard as someone (:blush:) hadn't replaced it properly...

On the plus side, he only had a few miles to go, we both learnt a lesson about checking one's kit on a regular basis and taking it with you, and the glass was removed before it could cause further damage. :banghead:


Legendary Member
75.68 miles today, my longest ever ride by 10miles. Another grey day, greyer than Charles Gray, wearing a grey Blofeld suit, stroking a grey cat with grey eyes. But it was dry,as were most of the roads, quite few other cyclists out and about today too on some nice hardware. No dramas but some of the roads around here are in a shocking state. I rode through three counties today, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and (only just) Northamptonshire.


Active Member
First ride since last September. Stopped for some reason I can't figure out but looking forward to getting back in the saddle.
Thirty miles in the rain. Tried out new forty quid I've spent! Was slow and painful in places, the last five miles nearly did me in. Feel good now and really enjoyed riding in the dark!


Norven Mankey
Yesterday's forecast for Wednesday in Peak District....sunshine, no wind, cool. Perfect I thought, planned a nice 50 mile loop. Got up this morning, foooooggggy, 40m visibility at best. Bit dodgy, it'll be worse on the tops. No problem, I'll let it burn off and get off late morning.

Now it's 11.45am, still 40m visibility (so probably 20m on the tops), still waiting for it to burn off. 50 mile loop as turned into "maybe I'll get a quick 20 miles in" although it looks like it's set in for the day. To make matters worse, Friday was looking good but snow is forecast now :cursing:. Weather forecasts...hmmmmph
Second ride today on my road to recovery. Kept it as flat as possible, as nice jaunt up and down the coast being Sunderland and South Shields. Ended up doing 19 miles which was a little too much. Didn't feel any effects related to recent illness, but was knackered by the time I got home.


First training ride of the year since servicing my bike. 30km at 24.3km. Everything seemed to be working well apart from a slipping seat post, didn't tighten the collar sufficiently.
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