Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Senior Member
75 v windy miles, car submerged almost totally at the ford by Rufford Mill ( didn't see it at first it was so far under) , tons of huge puddles / floods, glad I have my GTX booties, feet dry. V quick out to cafe, much harder returning, only 4 braved the club ride but nice to get the shelter when we could.
The roads round here were pretty flooded too, it made for an interesting club ride. The bit I really liked though was when we crossed the A605 and it was queued back due to flooding, not surprisingly the country road we took was flooded too and closed to traffic, but bike's manage to go through. I was quite impressed with my Santini Overshoes too, picked them up in a lbs bargain bin for less than 1/4 of there normal retail price (found out why their zips were faulty and didn't last long) but even with an open back, they kept my feet toasty :smile:
Picked up the first of the replacement bikes following the accident back in August for dr_pink so went for a short shake down ride this afternoon. Like many others it was affected by the floods. The bike is actually egg shell blue in colour but in one of the pictures in the sun looks white
A proper chainset too!


This car appeared to have been abandoned

The highlight of the ride though was watching 2 Barn Owls hunting, one of which we were cycling behind, just fantastic.

Darren Jeffrey

Über Member
Had planned a good 80 miles today. Staying with family whilst my bathroom is renovated and forgot to bring my snood and hat. Got 6 miles up the road and my jaw line was that cold it was giving me a headache. Pretty pathetic really :-)


Cycling Skoda lover
^_^ compared to my previous touring bike it glides up the hills.........

couldn't quite work out what to do with all those gears though after riding nothing but fixed for the last 3 months :unsure:
I was thinking what are those things near the rear wheel ! They can come off you know :whistle:


West Somerset
Just over 5 miles this morning, my first ride since going down with the lurgy two weeks ago. Still feeling a bit iffy but it was good to out again.
Same here - not the lurgy but it feeling good, being out on the bike after a period of not cycling. Only 17 miles into town and back, the last 7 of which were in the dark, and my slowest average speed for a loooong time - but even so... :wahhey:
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