55 hilly miles around Gloucestershire in the fog today with the club. A rather eventful ride to say the least.
Starting off from Gloucester, we got maybe 10 miles in and a rider hit a pothole wrong and went down hard. Two more riders went down trying to avoid the crash. First rider suffered nasty scrapes/cuts, second rider's rear derailleur got bent completely out of shape (mech hanger snapped trying to bend it back) and the third rider got off with only bar tape damage.
A few riders stayed with those who couldn't continue, and the rest of us continued on. The largest hill climb on the ride then wiped out a couple of riders, who decided to cut the ride short, and another rider who kept dropping off the back took a direct route to the coffee stop rather than continuing with the group on the longer ride.
On the way back another rider decided to call it a day and get picked up as he was cramping up. Numbers dropped from about 15 at the start of the ride to 4 on the way back from the coffee stop. Hopefully next Sunday will be more successful!