In my everlasting quest for the slowest ride yet, today was a pearler. There was certainly no 'chasing guys on a hardtail', here I'm relieved to say - whatever that means! A 16 mile easy pootle here in the flatlands across the Fen to Wicken and back. A nice 7-8mph average with plenty of stops for birding, drinks and chats.
Apart from a nice cuppa at the Wicken Fen NT cafe, highlights were two marsh harriers, linnets, lapwing and a grumpy willow warbler, as well as chatting to cyclists passsing by. Loads of folk out today on bikes on the
Lodes Way - good to see, I guess it has been a brief fine weather window between rain clouds. The circuit took about 3 hours- will have to aim for 3.5 hours next time.