just before which I watched a big old barn owl lumbering up a tree stump with a vole or something in his claws. Very chuffed with himself he looked too. I did that squeaking sound you're supposed to do through your teeth to make them think there's a rodent about and come your way, but he just looked at me and if there was an owl way of saying 'you complete tosser' that was it.
Cambridgshire is supposed to have the highest concentration of owls in the uk! I can guarantee to see at least one every single time i do my usual 30 miler around upwell/stowbridge/wigenhall.
Its magic when you're biking along, with an owl flying right beside you along the centreline of a dyke. They don't seem to notice cyclists!!
As for "calling them" ... i've got an app on my phone that plays the noise of a mouse in distress. If you hide near a bush and play that one
they certainly fly over for a look!! (Tried it twice with good results).