Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Nice 25 miler for me to in the Kent country lanes. Popped in to Arallsopp's but curtains drawn so sleeping off food and booze no doubt... so into the countryside on my own. Good few cyclists out this morning.
I was on the Bent which get's other cyclists chatting.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
no ride for me till 29th as i am away but brisk 2 miles walk every morning instead. Better than nothing!!


An hour pootle to make room for more food; a very hard first half into a strong headwind, with a fantastic second half morst of the way home, apart from the last mile which was mostly uphill and into a headwind again - still very enjoyable (once I got home!)


Nice ride in the Boxing Day sunshine around some Essex lanes. Punctured 1 mile from home and couldn't be bothered to mess about changing the tube, so pumped it up, did 100 yards, then pump up and so on. Got half way home before it stoppped pumping up to a rideable state so I walked the last 10 minutes and changed the tube in the warmth and comfort of my utility room.


Shut up Legs!
Just come back from a hard 15 miles on roads on the mtb. Peeing down with rain too so decided to take the mtb rather than the new roadie. Hard work but worth it. Hoping to go out again in a couple of days on the roadie and see how much quicker i can do it in. Then the weekend its hopefully 20 miles plus on a different route.


Grimpeur des terrains plats

Finally got out with jr - yesterday was too windy (I blame the sprouts...)


Started young, and still going.
23 miles around the lanes through Essendon,Wild Hill, Welham Green, Brookmans Park, Potters Bar and back to Barnet. Weather was a bit gloomy, but quite warm.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Bailed at 22 miles. My legs seem to have filled up with turkey and stuffing macerated in whisky.

And what is it with people who live in the suburbs of SE London who refuse to pay for proper roads as a sign of affluent exclusivity? If they're pretending they're in the countryside, then they should grow up and face the fact that they live in muddy cul de sac in London, FFS! It's just mean-spiritedness, and my bike looks like it's been up and down a mountainside.


Nice photo Craigwend, he looks as though he's enjoying it....
Circa 20 miles for me today, blimey its mild but really quite blowy. No problem, just find a pace that works, no point in trying to beat the wind, then enjoy the tailwind home.
Very quiet on the roads, two red kites, longtailed tits and my first fieldfare sighting of the year. They've probably been about a while....its just that i hav'nt.
No computer fitted today, took it off last ride when it got wet...can't remember where i put it :whistle:


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Another very windy ride for me today but this time with the club so we were sharing the work and went a bit faster. The festive spirit is still evident on the roads with left hooks etc :rolleyes: so we came back by the cycle path as my mud splattered face would testify; who needs a facial :rolleyes:

SMIDLY? (Sorry Mate I Didn't Look - Yule...) Yep, a higher than normal percentage of morons on the road today.

Deleted member 1258

The weather was great this morning, low sun, blue skies light breezes and mild temperatures, I got out for a ride to the Garden Center at Thurlaston, working off some of the Xmas excesses. 51 enjoyable miles covered, most of it under blue skies, by the time I got round by Market Bosworth it had clouded over and it was getting a bit windy, made the ride into Coventry hard work, but didn't spoil the ride.


Well-Known Member
yes a 25 mile loop today first time out in 6 weeks :sad: enjoyed the tailwind hated the headwind !!!just the kick up the arse i needed to get my cycling mojo back ^_^ right where are my spare lights to put on my fixed for the commute tomoz :biggrin:
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