Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Grimpeur des terrains plats
Doing a nice 30 mile loop today, conditions just about perfect, warmish, dry, cloudy, bit of wind but nothing too much :bicycle:

having a jooly good ride even touched nearly 30 on a flat in a moment of rare 'fitness'...:bicycle:

Five miles or so from home - going for a good time /average speed, yet another insect atacked me (normally just helmt) - manged to 'fly' down my shirt which was not open much...:ph34r:

a very angry bzzing sound ensued, then the first sting at the top of my chest :cry:

managed to one handed (riding about 15-20mph) lift my shirt off my chest so it did not get squashed /angrier :eek:

moment of panic /clarity :hyper: - take hand of shirt and brake safely with both hands securely & safeley of pull even wider whlist trying to blow the little b****r off me ...

second option chosen, it stung my stomach (& still hurts 4 hours later) on the way down / out .:cursing: ..

I did not even have cause to carry out murderous revenge :excl: :gun:

I also forgot how much wasp stings hurt!:angry:

Oh well a 18.3mph average, though I suspect the last few miles were 'doped' with high levels of adrenallin


Nr Cambridge
I also forgot how much wasp stings hurt!:angry:
Few weeks ago my other half asks me if I want some spray for the wasp sings... I look at her a little puzzled but sure enough there was a cluster of 4 stings on the back of my arm. :tongue:...

As for todays ride... a 1 hour on-line TT on the rollers 34.6 miles a little disappointed I didn't break the 35 mile barrier (the on-line TTs give weird distances/speeds as you ride a time based resistance profile, sometimes you have insanely low or stupidly high speeds but it's the same for all riders on the course)


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
A slightly hilly 24 on the Brommie, including a breakfast stop at Morrisons. 2 cappuccinos, 2 juices, sausage sarney and bacon sarney, change from £8.
Slightly more than Wetherspoons, but it's nice to have breakfast not surrounded by people who've been drinking since 8:00 am. :cheers: xx(


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
just back from doing 21 miles with a few hills thrown in. Got caught in the rain and must admit I definitively dont like riding in the rain!
The last hill defeated me so walked the last half/quarter/third? ( shame on you I hear you say!):whistle:
Why is sods law always against me? I always ride on my own but always see riders or groups of riders riding the opposite direction.
I wish sometimes they would go the same way as me so I could tag on for a bit and test myself.:angry:


Re member eR
A pleasant early morning 37 miles out to Ilkley. Passed a guy loaded with a huge pannier and asked him was he on a long trip.

'Just going to work' he replies. Must have some storming sarnies ! :biggrin:


Active Member
19.86 miles at an average 8.7 mph! Severely handicapped by 'er indoors deciding that she wants to come along too on her mountain bike - and then me having to freewheel the levels to let her catch up and stop after gentle inclines while she walked up them.
Planned route of 30 miles had to be chopped - but it was a nice day and able to be nosey gawping at the houses in some villages I had only whizzed past in the car before.


Active Member
Rode from Spondon to Alvaston bike shop (3mile), to Derby Centre (4mile), to Darley Abbey my aunts house (3mile), to Spondon (7mile). All with my disabled brother, teaching him road safety and awareness. A lot of patient and considerate drivers out, made it a fantastic 3 hours.

Deleted member 1258

Superb ride out to Cannons Ashby this morning, did a lone ride out then joined the clubs family ride for the first part of the ride home, left them just after Napton, they turned towards the South west side of Coventry and I carried on towards the north east side of Coventry. A bit windy and varying between bright and sunny and grey and cloudy, but a very enjoyable 66 miles covered. I've got aching thighs and I'm hungry, I can hear the Sunday Dinner being prepared as I type, roast pork and all the trimmings :hungry: but I'm happy and have had a good day.
130.27 miles today. Left Clevedon at 6am to travel the 20 miles to Keynsham, near Bath, for the Wiggle Mendips Super Series. One early highlight was Bristol coming into view and some 60 odd balloons in the sky - a real sight given the fiesta on at the moment. At the start I met an old friend and the route we took was 90 miles up and down, here and there, including a couple of 20%s, one of which was about 5 miles from the end. The swine. Anyway, a very well planned event in my opinion. Some of the climbs I'm familiar with - the Gorge and Burrington Coombe but there were some right nasty little blighters in there. My mate and me, we think, managed the 90 miler in under 6 hours but awaiting times.

A quick massage on my return which was lovely (understatement), some grub and off home for the last 20 where awaiting me was beer, a bath and lasagne prepared by my fairer half.

Happy days.


Just a short spin of 24 miles this morning around the local lanes of West Horndon, Bulphan and Orsett to see how I felt after my man flu.


Powered by caffeine & whisky
Early morning ride. I finished my nightshift, cycled home , got changed, swapped bikes and was on the road as the sun came up. It was a little nippy to start with but I soon warmed up. I headed out of Hemel to Gaddesdon Row, down into Dagnall then up towards Ivinghoe. Downhill for a couple of miles into the vale of Aylesbury going through Slapton, Horton, Cheddington and Long Marston. I found myself in Wilstone where the village shop/cafe had just opened and as their first customer I ordered a bacon roll and a cuppa. 20 minutes later and I was off again heading towards Tring. Then up the hill to Wigginton, down again to Chesham, up again to Bovingdon then a nice sweeping downhill towards Hemel. I was 2 miles from home but was enjoying the early morning sun so instead of turning left to home I turned right towards St.Albans then on to Redbourn back into Hemel and then home. Just over 50 miles and back in time for the OH to go to work, and a well deserved snooze in the chair.


A very pleasant 50 miles around the Cotswolds this morning (about 950m of climbing). Weather just about held, although there was a nasty bit of drizzle for a couple of miles about 10 miles from home. Made a wonderful change to be out socially rather than training or racing. Cycling for pleasure - can't beat it!
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