Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Wet, and had a puncture before I even started with no spare inner tube to hand.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Been out on the Dawes for a blast round 11.5 miles... just logged it in and it says I've averaged 19.5mph with 461 feet of climb.... WOW!

Same route on hybrid averaged 15.5mph, I love my old Dawes bike, I bought it 30 years ago last February.

Very happy!


Trying to MTFU myself :biggrin: so after yesterdays 33 miles, did a quick 24 miles today. For once, its not much to ask, but so nice when it happens...its windy out there, but my route kinda sheltered me from the worst of it. Very little actual headwind :tongue: . Wish it were like that more often.


Another 25 miles today, windy but not too bad. A Yellowhammer and plenty of Jackdaws but not much else to see. Lovely countryside smells, dungheaps and a wierd ammonia smell :whistle: .
No great speed, just a nice little tour on a different route to normal. Deathly quiet roads and villages..lovely.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
25 miles on hitherto unexplored lanes around Thorner, Bramham and Collingham.

I should have got myself organised and had an early morning ride. Instead I had an hour in dull weather and an hour in rain. I wore my new dinner jacket styled cycle shirt and put smiles on a few folks' faces as I pedalled along.


Legendary Member
Absolute stormer of a ride though I started too late as it was Mrs GTI's birthday. Out in sunshine to Longridge, Bleasdale, Oakenclough with superb views of Morecambe Bay, round and over The Trough of Bowland, coffee in Dunsop Bridge (the geographical centre of the UK) then back in increasingly heavy rain via Whalley. 51 miles of enjoyment and the legs felt good.

Met a gang from Lancashire Road Club in the cafe, busy filling their faces with lunch and the cafe with mirth!

Paladin - York

New Member
After falling off my bike in the driveway, a combination of gravel, rat-traps & sinility, I did a casual 15 miles around the back roads of North Yorkshire, east of Easingwold. I did actually get back before the rain set in as I could see it approaching from miles away. The rain saved me a job watering the gardens and I did manage to collect some hardwood bark from the woods, enroute, for my Japanese Maple.

It was a good day for getting greetings from "roadies". Only once did I shout "cheer up" to a roadie who had his chin on the bars and his backside hanging off the sun.


Well-Known Member
Went out yesterday for a 40 miler round warwickshire - got lost a couple of times nearly missing Henley on Arden and then came into Dorridge completely the wrong way (which totally confused me)....last 10 miles into Soilhull and then home to Brum were hard - was cold, windy, raining and i had no extra layers with me (yes, I know, my own fault), and i'd pretty much run out of gas. All i could think of for those 10 miles was 'hot bath, hot bath'......and that's exactly what i did when i got home.


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
Went to North Wales today to do Penmachno but ended up doing the Marin instead. Very wet, muddy, slippery and cold towards the end. Great fun, love getting out on a mtb occasionally. Will save Penmachno for another day.


Über Member
South Norfolk
I had a great weekend - 108 mile ride from Birmingham out to Malvern and back. We got rained on heavily approaching Great Malvern and by brakes didn't work (note to self, descending on carbon rims in the wet is not clever). We sought shelter in a great little cafe called leaf for a few hours until the rain passed and set off home through Pershore where we got hailed on for 20 minutes! Fortunately the sun came out again and dried us off although shoes were soaked.

Then yesterday in the pouring rain I was persuaded to go out for 25 miles of laps around Bartley Reservoir - I regretted it at first but once warmed up it wasn't too bad. Alloy rims were also a blessing!


Legendary Member
Popped out to buy bar tape this morning and my favourite shoes died on the short trip so had to go out this afternoon to buy more as the bar tape seller didn't have any I liked.

The LBS owner I eventually got them from asked where I'd been as he used to see me every morning before my commute changed, which was nice.


Just short of 40 miles.Out to Otley.Bacon sarnie and coffee from Greggs.Out on to Weston and beyond then up to the main road,turning towards Swinsty then Fewston res.Then back to Otley for a brew.Superb ride great weather.


28 glorious glorious sunny miles :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
No rush, just a nice pace but not pushing up the hills.
Yesterday (and the last couple of weeks) i felt lethargic, tired and justcouldnt be bothered. Today's a different story. Just amble along at 1mph less than you'd normally do, it seemed so effortless.
1 Red Kite, 1 Yellowhammer, shirt off, i can feel where ive caught the sun :thumbsup:


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Todays mission was to try and ride off a slightly sore back; one of those niggling pains at the base of the spine which I suffer from now and again. Took the Secteur out, intending to do maybe 10/20 miles from Largs to Hunterston or West Kilbride.

The sun was out, so when I got to the bottom of the Fairlie moor road to Dalry (and the back was loosening up) I decided to go for it. A 4 mile climb, steep in places, then a descent into Dalry for breakfast. Then over towards Kilmaurs, but took a left turn at Cunninghamhead to Stewarton. From there to Fenwick (ok, a long road for a short cut, I know!) and across the Eaglesham moor to Eaglesham. An expensive cup of coffee and a large meringue later and I decide to head for Glasgow and the train home.

On seeing a sign in Clarkston pointing to Paisley, I had a change of mind and headed to Paisley and a couple of hours visiting my old place of work. By then it was 5pm so I decided to make a day of it! Headed onto the cycle track from Paisley to Johnstone, then to Kilmacolm for a much needed stop for bananas and chocolate..... From Kilmacolm it was along the quiet back roads to the High Greenock Road, then to the rough track better known as the Garshangan road which comes out at Loch Thom.

After another wee climb up past the electricity pylons, it was then a very welcome 5 mile descent into Largs. 80.8 miles in 5hr 46mins of cycling time, but about 10 hours away from home in total. Another fine day of cycling :thumbsup:.
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