I went for a
slow 200km and got a wee bit burnt
It was a bit grey and misty this morning when I got up but all around the Met reported it was clear; so I decided to head North away from the River Forth. Sure enough by the time I got to Knockhill 7.5 miles out of town it was starting to lift
And by the time I'd got to the Seamab School just around the corner it had lifted completely.
To my surprise, The A823 north of Yett O Muckhart
The locals obviously knew that this was because they were putting new drains in at a couple of points and in fact the road was 99% clear. It meant though I could enjoy Glen Devon without too much traffic.
Castlehill Reservoir, Glen Devon
Farm Bridge at Glen Devon, the bike is there honest
Same bridge with bike
The ride then took me to through Glen Eagles to Crieff
Its hard to see but that place down there in the distance is Crieff
I never actually stopped in Crieff I saw two roadies ahead and thought I'd scalp them, 20mph up Crieff High Street (circa 6%) isn't advisable I'd pay for that 45miles later
I took this picture of the bridge at Crieff a few weeks ago, there was a lot less clouds today
Next up was Sma Glen. I'd never cycled up the A822 Sma Glen before and cant remember having went up there as a kid but I'm glad I did its beautiful
Sma Glen
Sma Glen again
Yip you guessed it, Sma Glen again
By the time I got to Dunkeld and Caputh (3 miles to the east) I was averaging 16mph but after that I changed direction into a head wind and my averages just started to fall
I had a banana in Dunkeld and stopped to take some pictures.
Tay Bridge at Dunkeld
Same bridge from below.
I then worked my way down through Stanley, Luncarty and Pitcairn Green to Perth.
Perth North Bridge
At the same spot Life Guards or similar were training, what on earth they needed dry suits and helmets on a day like today is anybodies guess.
Life guards in the Tay
More Life Guards.
I got as far as Bridge of Earn when I had the urge to up my journey to a 200km ride so thought I'd follow the sign to
Elcho Castle. My mum say it was a ruin when she was last there 20years ago, they must of restored it
Bridge of Earn
Elcho Castle
At 119.6 miles though I was struggling baddly with sun burn so I decide to stop at my sister's and refill my water bottle, an ice lolly helped too

and I went on to complete my 126.4 miles (203.4km)

Mental note to myself, put more Suncream on the next time
If you want to check out more of my pics they are on
Edit: Oh and for anybody put of by the fact it was part on A roads; the A822 and A823 are quieter and safer than many B roads