Today turned out to be a lovely mixture of fog, sun, chilly wind and entertainment.
Outbound, I headed North toward Little Switzerland, all new cassette and chain to the fore. Not many people about although business was brisk as I approached London via Ianrauk's favourite club, Tottingham Hopsters, Kingsland Road and on towards London. Just for fun, I went to Hyde Park Corner - but there were no early arrivals for the Friday Night Ride...

I parked up in Hyde Park to answer a load of 'phone calls and texts etc...poor Andyilovebikes got a puncture on his ride South Eastwards - which reinforced the concept of Christmas being a bit of a let-down...

Went upwards toward Marble Arch as I was going to head home - the chill wind was-a-blowin' and I couldn't get warm again.
At Marble Arch, Pret A Manger was bursting at the seams with people after sustenance and coffee, ditto Starbucks in Oxford Street (not often it is possible to cycle at 20mph+ unimpeded by bus traffic!). So. At Regent street I made an executive decision and...went to work!
Only to make myself a quick cup of tea and
ogle the waitress in Pane Vino opposite watch the restaurant opposite dispense Christmas Fare to about 7 people...
Then Hampstead for a while, reliving the Park and Ride ride, then to my Mum's for a bit of grub. Then I came back here to open my presents and my sisters had bought me a camera! For the last two months my 'ride camera' has been playing up (whose wouldn't, given the uglymugs attending the FNRttCs etc...not the ladies, obviously

) it happened again today, with the lens refusing to focus and the gift was timely, to say the least! Resorted to the phone but it is a hassle to get them posted so...
I'll close my outpouring of gratitude by posting one of the pics I took when leaving Hyde Park for points North...
The tower? Basil Spence's Hyde Park Barracks for the Household Cavalry, the cranes are for
One Hyde Park (Which is entertainment in itself) and the silhouette of the big wheel of Winter Wonderland, taking place in the grounds of the park, along with two cyclists - but of course!