Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Smutmaster General
35 miles yesterday, and been experimenting with bikehike which shows 1956ft of ascent. Lovely ride up to Simonside, to those who know it. Back home via Rothley and Scots Gap


Somerset UK
Got cancelled. Too wet and windy. I hate this weather. And I got a puncture yesterday evening. I'm depressed. And both bikes need cleaning. I want sunshine, and longer days, and warmth.

Think I'll go and see if the tyre's still hard since I mended it this morning. If not ...................


CC Neighbourhood Police Constable
15mph south easterly. Raining all the way into work. Thank the gods for the drying room at work.
Big grin on my face as I watched the miserable bu88ers get out of thier tin boxes and run for the door!


The same wind and rain Vike endured. Seemed like a headwind going to work.. definate headwind going home :rofl: been a while since that happened !!!
On the plus side, it was mild...i dont mind the rain if its mild.


Saw a Red Kite on my commute this morning...nothing particually unusual about that, but this one was lazily flapping across an urban area !!
I havnt seen them this far east of the A1..theyre common 10 / 15 miles away, but dont venture this far across.
A good sign ?

Jane Smart

The Queen
Dunfermline Fife
Today was my best solo ride yet, it was ALL roads ( yes ALL on the road) from Dunfermline big tesco to Oakley, then Saline, then Steelend, then Kelty, then Kingseat, then Dunfermline and home. Oh boy I really enjoyed it ( I got a slow puncture though, so had to stop a few times to pump that up :smile: ) but apart from that, it was great :wahhey:

I forgot to set my trip though, but my fastest speed today was 34 MPH which is a personal best for me too :B)


Nr Cambridge
Great fun :smile: First ride was a bit of a round-robbin affair with me visiting a few places on the geared bike, respectable average too. Second was down the B1368 on the road fixie.... that meant cycling into straight into the wind for about 9 miles.... then flipping the wheel, turning round & doing it with the tail wind.


22 miles on the turbo :becool: Why does it seem so hard compared with a proper ride ?
25mph winds, gusting to near 45 mph.....sod that for a game of soldiers...turbo out. Even the local radio was recommending no cycling this morning. What a waste of a day off ;)


Secret Lemonade Drinker
18 minutes of horizontal freezing rain and head wind made for an interesting ride into work at 6 this morning.

The handlebar clenched with the teeth, thighs bulging with strain trying to turn the granny ring 1st gear. Ducked down in a prone riding position behind the Cateye headlight, which produced as much protection as a collander does when fashioned as a makeshift dutch cap.

The pockets on my jacket (although closed and zipped up) all seemed to prefer the 'open' position to collect as much air as possible and managed to imbibe huge amounts of the breeze whenever the opportunity arose - ie all the time.

Ths aforementioned stinging rain tried it's hardest to shot blast my corneas whenever I tried to look up, and any moment of respite was filled with car drivers burning my retinas with their 5,000,000,000,000,000.00 candle power full beams, because they need to see don't they, and dipped lights just don't piss people off as much!

The final 'piece de resistance' was clocking in and walking sodden into the office and being asked, whilst dressed in shorts, cycle cap, reflective dayglo jacket - 'You haven't ridden in have you?'

'No, I just like driving in damp cycling gear for the fun of it'

slinky malinky

Active Member
Ride today not good:sad: 5 miles into it wind at last behind me pushing me at a nice fast pace, front wheel slips to the left I go to the right about 20 mph hit the road. swollen elbow very nasty road rash up my leg, cuts to my side and appear to have managed to melt my racing tights into my knee, what is worse MY POOR BIKE!!!!! well and truly gutted gears are shagged, handle bars! brake leavers , haven't checked the frame fully yet can't bring myself to, god i'm depressed i think I will sit in the corner and cry.
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