18 minutes of horizontal freezing rain and head wind made for an interesting ride into work at 6 this morning.
The handlebar clenched with the teeth, thighs bulging with strain trying to turn the granny ring 1st gear. Ducked down in a prone riding position behind the Cateye headlight, which produced as much protection as a collander does when fashioned as a makeshift dutch cap.
The pockets on my jacket (although closed and zipped up) all seemed to prefer the 'open' position to collect as much air as possible and managed to imbibe huge amounts of the breeze whenever the opportunity arose - ie all the time.
Ths aforementioned stinging rain tried it's hardest to shot blast my corneas whenever I tried to look up, and any moment of respite was filled with car drivers burning my retinas with their 5,000,000,000,000,000.00 candle power full beams, because they need to see don't they, and dipped lights just don't piss people off as much!
The final 'piece de resistance' was clocking in and walking sodden into the office and being asked, whilst dressed in shorts, cycle cap, reflective dayglo jacket - 'You haven't ridden in have you?'
'No, I just like driving in damp cycling gear for the fun of it'