Your ride today.... (part 1)

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plus je vois les hommes, plus j'admire les chiens
Back to work (from home) today after a couple of weeks in France. So it was out for my usual lunchtime ride. A slightly curtailed route as I had to take one of the dogs to the vet.
Anyway, out of NQ to the new roundabout (part of the Queensferry Crossing works) The road is muddy from the work and slippy as anything. As my front gatorskin is slick enough to use as a shaving mirror when wet it was a bit of a squeeky bum moment on the sweep down at 30 mph!

Then over the Forth Road Bridge into a stiff 15mph wind, through Dundas Castle and then out (headwid) to Winchburgh. From there a tailwind to Kirkliston where I got held up for ages at the traffic lights. I was tempted to jump them but "I'm not in London now!":smile: Took the road parallel to the airport towards Cramond Bridge but I turned off up the hill to Dalmeny then back to the bridge and home.

About 18 miles, 1 hour 8 mins. It was a bit of a struggle to be honest.

Very noticeable was that, following two weeks of being carefully avoided by the few French motorists we encountered, back to having my outer leg shaved by a few cars :sad: Also, I had seriously overdressed (temps up here in civilisation about 10 degrees warmer than they were in Normandy) as I dressed the same as last couple of weeks so had to take off gloves half way through.

Nice to be back on the Sandy Gilchrist/Colin Laing bike after two weeks on the dark side (MTB).


Fed up with not getting out on the road bike, I decided to go spend a day on the MTB at Glentress. I do have some new wheels to test out after all :biggrin:

It was actually a quite warm 8C, which meant that with my winter longs and jacket, I was too hot :heat: but views like this helped take my mind off it:

Climbed to the 2nd car park and took a spin around the Green route, since I've not done it before and I was curious. It's quite a nice ride really and it helped my get my off-road eye back in before setting off up the Blue route. It's a hard old slog to get to the top, but then the fun really starts with the plunge back to the car park. It takes some time to get back, but this kind of trail is what Hardtails do so very well :thumbsup: It finishes off with Berm Baby Berm, a brilliant section crammed with steeply banked corners. I like it so much I went round it again..... then a 14 year old challenged me to a race down it :ohmy:

I really should know better by now, I had visions of me pushing it too much and face-planting a tree :rolleyes:, but yeah, OK why not :boxing:

We pushed up the short-cut back to the start and he told me he'd give me 3 seconds and then follow. Right. I properly went for it, :hyper:and I had to wait 10 seconds for him at the bottom. That's one up for the Oldies :angel:

After lunch I set off to try some of the Red route, which is an even harder slog to get to the top of :surrender:but the first downhill section, Spooky Woods Descent (well named!) is absolutely fantastic. I'll be coming back when I get the new fork to do it again! From there I went down about half of Super G and then cut back onto the Blue to get back to the top car park. As I was starting the first section from there to get back to the bottom car park, I noticed a car reversing out of a space. Hmmm, wonder if a bike can get down the trail to the car park before the car? (Yes, just).

Rode 20 miles around there in all with 2500ft of climb. Legs are knackered now :laugh:


World class procrastinator
I really wanted to ride yesterday but as I fell over walking the dogs, I didn't fancy the roads. I'm glad that I didn't as I was told tonight that my God-daughter slid gracefully across a normally busy (but thankfully deserted at the time) traffic light crossing due to the ice.

I took a route to my friend Debbie's house that didn't involve going up Grapes Hill, as I would have had to do if I'd gone via the Marriotts Way. I rode the pretty route along the cyclepaths, along Bluebell Road and then turned for the A11 Newmarket Road and followed the cycle paths all the way to the city inner ring road and had half an hour with my pal Debbie. We did a bit of re-gifting between us. She hates pate and nairn oatcakes, I'm not keen on citrus perfume and lavender soap, so we swapped. I had a quick coffee and then pointed out the pretty carbon patterning on Eric the bike and headed home again. She pointed out that even second hand, Eric was more money than she paid for her car.^_^

I rode down through the city, past the new Evan's cycle shop and then on to Gentleman's Walk, which is pedestrianised but I think that you can cycle on it. It was pretty much deserted at just after 7pm anyway so that was OK. Then down onto the cyclepath at the bottom of Duke Street and home via Marriott's Way and the slightly longer way to avoid Marlpit Lane. It puts another 3/4 of a mile on anyway so that's fine by me. I still do the same climb but its longer and less steep. Some days I just don't want to slog up Marlpit, Strava segment or no strava segment.

One home I discovered that the garmin had recorded the time out but not all the distance and I know that it's more than 4.2 miles. I looked back on my activities and found when I'd ridden it before and took the infomation from there but used my riding time.
9.3 Miles in 50.22 minutes so averaged 11.1mph and happy with that. It was a really really good ride. I wish that I'd got out in the day time but there was w*** to do, and husbands to feed, dogs to walk etc.
I've now done 1% of my target. Only 99% to do now :thumbsup:


Legendary Member
A my ride on Friday post - not had web access since then - 102Km up to Skeffington, down to Great Bowden, and back to Blaby via Foxton and Saddington. All on the hybrid - so a bit harder than my usual 100Km but was fine. Have to admit I went on a detour on the way back to get it over the 100Km mark - hope to do one 100Km ride each month. Not usually a problem but with short days and/or bad weather the winter months will be tricky. Still at least that's January's done!


Well 30 miles today (Sunday) and first club rides with cleats and new Shimano shoes.

Well we met at the usual place and usual place,I couldn't believe the amount of people that had turned up. My @Donger so reckoning we had 15 with at least 3 new people.

Wevset off later than usual as the collection of money started for club kit(at last). Plus with the opening of a new bike shop close to the Kingsway who is linking up with us! So it's all good news for the start of the year.

I didn't have much of a understanding of where we were going but as usual I just followed the group as usual. We didn't get far before @gordyfinbar got a puncture! Just half way along Naas Lane. After what seemed like an age we were off again along the lane turned right towards Haresfield.

Just by the sharp right in Haresfield the pelaton was waiting for slow people, ( which included me)
In had slowed to stay with a new member who didn't have any lights on, and with the fog I decided to stay at the back.
When we arrived I was told to go ahead and lead
the way which I did. After going over the railway bridge I hung a left towards Standish. Along Standish Lanebi was passed by a few riders, then the road went round to the right and down hill. Thieves where I decided to put my foot down and pass a few people. I steadily passed @Largie003 and got into second with only Ian on his road Boardman in front. I came to the junction and notify a car approaching from the right. I was travelling atough about 15 mphwhen I rounded the corner to find Ian waiting. It was at this point I had a decision to make and quickly! I decided the safest thing to do was to stop. I started to unclip my right foot and then thought shoot wrong foot! I needed to unclip my left to stand once pavement. But too late and over to the left it went! To me it all happened in slow motion and I was able to put my hands down and gently lower myself to the floor. Sorry @Donger but my Garmin was reading 6.2 miles and not under 5 as you said! Lol. As every rounded a corner and road went up! Then the talk started about who was going to win the sweepstakes that had been started about how many times I would fall off on todays ride.

Well carried on towards Stonehouse and it was there that the group decided to split for a flat group and a hill ride.

I decided I was going for the hill ride as on 1st February I'm doing the 50 miles Bristol Sportive. My first.

Just put on to the main road is turned left on the roundabout and heading towards Cainscross I felt the rear go down! My first puncture on a club ride and my first on this bike after 1717 miles. So I really can't complain. After help from Tony,Kevin,Dean and supervisor @gordyfinbar I was ready to roll. When we caught up to with the rest there was another split. I decided to go climbing and a few headed for home at a faster shallower pace.

So Slad Valley it was, it was only my second time up it and this time I managed it without stopping. But during the climb I had fog and a tiny bit of hail too.

Meeting at the top we turned left in to Buckholt and came out on the A46. We only went a short distance when I saw @Donger and a new guy Des, sorting @Donger out as he either had a mechanical or brain moment (sorry if it wasnt) at the bottom of the incline to Painswick Beacon. I got off as I didn't realise where we where going and had to change gear off the bike too, as there was no way off getting up there in what I was in. From there on it was all down hill literally!

Straight down Upto Hill and this time I only got to 44.6 mph! So now 50 again!!

It was pretty ain sailing from there. So it turned out to be a 30 miles eventfull trip with cleats for the first time.


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If 6 Was 9
14 mile gentle amble along the Tarka Trail for breakfast at Weatherspoons with the missus. Two bacon rolls and two coffees - £3.96 - hit the spot.^_^
Quick drop in at Tescos on the way back for a bit of shopping.
Off down to Croyde beach now to take the dog for a walk.
It's all go you know!:heat:


Legendary Member
Another 6.6 utility miles today to the LBS investigate a bike carrier bag and to purchase some disc brake shoes/pads thingies.

It had stopped raining by the time I'd got on the bike (gingerly) the sun came out for a while but it's still cold and the wind had kicked in a bit. Pleased to say my back is feeling quite a bit better now, though still a bit hurty. An uneventful ride, sometimes cycling along the very quite NCN 544 path I feel like shouting a cyclists "get ON the road you daffodil"

Went to the cafe after the LBS had a bacon sarny and a cuppa splosh.


Hagbourne Church in the distance.


Part of NCN 544


The first time I have taken a photo of food I think.


It's like Piccadilly Circus round here sometimes.



World class procrastinator
Just in from a 7.22 mile spin around our new 'utility route' of 7.2 miles. Just down to the hospital along the cycle paths and down the B1108, then up Colney Lane to Cringleford, down the hill through Eaton and back via Bluebell, then cyclepaths home. Easy peasy.

Nearly had an off along the cyclepath on Bluebell when an older man on a bike came barrelling towards me. I got as far over to the left as I could and could feel the hedge on my left arm and leg but he didn't give way one inch, so determined was he to hold his central line. He passed and I had to stop as I was being hedged. What an utter utter pillock. I bet he drives a BMW when he's in a car, or an Audi. Very inconsiderate too as there was a good 3' he could have moved over. Hubster was shocked. He thought that the bloke was going to just plough into me. So did I at one point.

On the last bit, Hubster went off down the wrong road. I sat at the side of the road, foot on kerb and waited for him to realise and come back. Easy mistake to make, Earlham Grove sounds so similar to Motum Road to him. Hubster is a bit deaf.

42 minutes in the end, which is longer than last time. Shocking shocking shocking. I have done 2% of my yearly target and 35% of my January target. Feeling very happy about it too. It'll all go horribly wrong when it snows. Heigh ho.
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