Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Went out early yesterday with the Kingsway Cycling Club at 0830. First of all before I left it put my Christmas present on the front wheel. Spokies!

Well it felt quite cold so I put on my motorbike gloves on to keep my hands from freezing.

I set off seeing a couple of people on the distance with their rear lights flashing, good job I thought as with their bright jackets the lights were definitely needed.

When I got to Tesco there was noone else there is thought so much for the Boxing Day ride!

It didn't take long for the others to slowly turn up, (some with presents on them or their bikes) in the end it turn out to be 6. All in various stages of dress, with one nutty guy in shorts with no warms to boot.

Well the intended route was with plenty of hills we were going to make it up as went along depending on weather and road conditions.

So went down Naas Lane out of the estate, as per our normal southern routes. At the end of the lane we took a left towards Brookethorpe and towards the hills. At Brookethorpe we turned right then left, so towards Matson and Upton St Lenards.

Upton Hill was mentioned during the discussions before we set off, (but I was hoping not lol) in only have tried it once before and had to get off 3 times!
Just as we started to climb, Chris's knee started to play up and he dropped out. ( He had not long ago had an op)
So taking @Donger 's advice I picked a gear and a pace and keep to it. It's a cat 4 on strava with 3 pieces to it and goes on for a while. (As far as I'm concerned) So it was head down, control breathing and go. After a while I saw Jonah coming back towards me, just checking I was okay. Yes I was still on the bike and moving forward. Woohoo up in One!!! So then it was easy down hill into Painswick,where the others were waiting. I was greeted with nice word's from @gordyfinbar " we didn't wait as long as I was expecting ".

On the A46 we turned towards Cheltenham and Cranham and " The Wall" which is another category 4 climb but just one long slog. Along the A46 I tried to go to the small cog on the crank as @gordyfinbar was behind saying about cadence. My bike didn't want to play ball, but I needed it again for The Wall. I got off and moved the changer and I was in. I kept in there for the rest of the A46. As of was nearing the turning for Cranham some on another bike came in front from the left and indicated right, the way I was going. As I looked right and turned off, I noticed the others waiting for me. That was it, a scalp in front of the guys had to be taken. I changed up and closed in, dug deep and slipstreamed the guy infront. When my front wheel was an inch from his wheel is pulled out and breezed passed. @gordyfinbar congratulated me on the scalp! We then peeled off again downhill towards Cranham and "The Wall ". It's not called the WALL for nothing!

I applied the same principles as Upton and up I went again! So now I've done 2 of worst hills in the area in the same ride! Don't get me wrong for some people this is nothing, but when it's a first for you its a big thing. The next challenge will be to do it in a small gear. Then one day on a road bike!

From the top of The Wall in was down hill down Slad Valley.

While on the flat my chain came off! I stopped to put it on. Then carried on towards the downhill slope. As I started to gather speed at about 30 mph I stopped pedalling and off came the chain again! So onwards again and while negotiating the sweeping bends I had a car 90 degrees across the road in front of me, and some idiot pulling out and then reversing down the hill. Then a twat in a Mercedes come straight at me in the narrowestate section, with parked cars on one side. He decided to go for it while I was halfway along the parked cars. Why don't these people think?

At the bottom Jonah and Ian had to head for home with time restrictions. I had to head home due to numbing toes. @gordyfinbar and James went on in search of more hills.

For me the ride was 33 miles and 1745 ft of climbing.


Pics from ride


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World class procrastinator
The BBC weather said that it wasn't going to rain until 1800 so we thought we'd go for a ride. Once back in with the hounds, we changed and then watched it tip it down with rain from the safety of our living room. Then it stopped so we gave it another 5 mins and then Hubster & I headed off to our friend @StickBouncer place. When we got there, some 3.4 miles from home, we yelled up at his window "Oy, you coming out to play or what". He was down in 2 minutes with his Giant Defy 2 and I suggested a wee 10 miler. Choking sounds came from somewhere in the vicinity of the boys but I ignore it and suggested cyclepaths to Whittlingham Lane and back via the back roads.

This seemed like a plan so we crossed the road (took an age), and then the next road (took another age) and then a nice steady 7mph along the cyclepath so as not to flatten lots of dog walkers, kids on scooters, elderly folks taking the air etc. Or toppling off to the left and in the river. That seemed an essential thing to avoid doing. We had to climb some steps a couple of times and then tottered across another road before getting back on to the cycle path (more 7mph) and then on to Carrow Road, up the hill (more 7mph), down the other side and then waiting at the Colmans Mustard gates until we were all back together. It seems that @StickBouncer was fibbing about his fitness as he left us for dead up Carrow Road.

Once up and over the bridge (I overtook SB in some style :laugh:) we headed off down Whittlingham Lane, stopping at the visitors centre for a bidon fill of water as we only had one bidon full between us. We carried on along the lane, moving over for a lot of cars. It was like Picadilly Circus down there today, and then over the lumpy bumpy dirt track bit and took a left to where the big sign says "no through route to Kirby Bedon". We were on bikes so it didn't apply to us, especially as the other sign there said NCN this way. More bloody climbing and waiting at the top for Hubster. Then we piled down the other side, only to encounter a full width, rubberised sleeping policeman. I yawed on my brakes but got a bit of airtime as I went over it and managed to stay on board. I could see the next one so slowed right down and crept over the horrible slippy thing. Hubster got airtime and scared himself silly over that first one too.

This brought us out on the Kirby Road and we put Hubster in the lead as he was the slowest of us so we followed him. Sadly, he's not a local and totally failed to see the right hander to the bike path back to Trowse and kept on going. This brought us out, hilariously, on the 3 lane A146. SB led, I hung on to his back wheel and we piled down the road, in the middle (correct) lane to the A47 junction, under the bridge and then across to the left hand lane and relative safety. Then all we needed to do was to turn right at the lights and take a breather in the gateway of Thrifty Car Rental while we waited for Hubster who had missed the traffic light change. From there it was uphill again (7mph) and the task of getting into the right hand lane to turn back towards Carrow Road.

We didn't quite retrace our steps but went along King Street and over Novisad Bridge, with it's excellent cycle path right along the middle of the bridge. We slowed for the man struggling with his kayak - he was carrying it, not drunk on the bridge) and back via the riverside cyclepaths back to SBs and a nice cuppa.

Once our legs had got all cold :rolleyes: we got back on our bike and rode home. I rode the extra bit of block to finish at 4 miles exactly home and to turn my gps off away from home. All in all today we rode 18.61 miles in 1:50 so averaged 10mph. The cyclepaths at 7mph didn't help with the average, nor did the walking to cross roads but it was a good ride. Nice to ride with someone other than Hubster too.

I am now 1.61 miles off my target for the year. I have 4 days to do it in so am quietly confident. It will get ridden, come hell or high water.:boxing:


Legendary Member
My ride this morning was eventful. Hard frost overnight so a lot of my usual back road routes would be icey. Therefore I put the cross bike in the back of the car and headed up to Whitelee wind farm to ride the trails.
The first 30km was great up and down and round about the trails and access roads for the wind turbines. Then I had a snakebite puncture. No problem I thought I'll just change the tube. Oh no tube in my Camelback is a 26" and not a 700c. No problem I thinks I can patch it. Oh no patches all dried up as they have been in the Camelbak too long. Sh*t I said plus another few expletives so I stuck the tube, tyre, wheel back on the bike thinking I could pump it up every few kms. On no pump fecked. After l bit of pondering I decided to start walking/cycling on the smoother bits of road. Thankfully after about 10 minutes 4 guys on MTBs came the other way and we got the puncture fixed and the tyre pumped up.
Did another 25km before returning to the car about an hour later than I had planned.
However in spite of my troubles it was a lovely cold crisp bright and sunny winter's day. I even have a touch of the sun on my face.
Once again thanks to the 4 guys that helped me out
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