Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Legendary Member
Usual 30 mile pootle with our lass, just over 3 hours of riding time, glorious weather and loads of people out and about in the parks.


Legendary Member
near Hornsea
Caught up with @velocidad & @Soltydog at the food :mrpig::mrpig::mrpig::mrpig: stop good to see the chaps - :cheers:
must catch up to do a late autumn for a York & back free fruit scavenging :mrpig::mrpig::mrpig::mrpig:

Good to see you again, didn't see you at the finish, so wondered if the fairy had bothered you again :sad:
We just got to Nunburnholme as the heavens opened, never been so wet on a ride.
Will have to sort out a forum ride soon :thumbsup:

Deleted member 1258

Wistow the destination, 58 miles the journey, the ride kick started by a large dollop of Rule 5, woke early rolled over and went back to sleep, eventually got up breakfasted and then just sat there looking at the sunny morning, no motivation, about half Nine I decided to apply rule 5 and by quarter to Ten I was on the bike and on my way, riding the short route to Wistow, lovely morning, slight tailwind, bowling along and after a few miles I was starting to enjoy myself, I cocked up an attempted overtake on a Tractor, came up behind him on a narrow lane with no safe way past and was content to sit behind, tractor driver waved me past and I blasted past only to find my right calf cramping up so had to pull over and let him back past whilst I sorted it out at the roadside.Wistow was heaving, not only was the Cov Road Club In but it seemed like most of Leicester was there as well, I hadn't seen the lads for a while so spent a while catching up on the gossip, on leaving I noticed my rear tyre was soft, looks like I have a slow one, it needed air twice on the way home, a bit of a slow ride home, getting the wind that helped me out as a head wind and I was feeling last weeks lurgy in the legs, but my timing was perfect, as I came up my road my good lady was walking out to the ice cream van, I parked my bike in the kitchen and as I walked back into the lounge She handed me an ice cream. ^_^ So a crap start turned into a decent morning out.
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Deleted member 1258

Local Open TT this morning only 10kms from home so cycled from home as part of my warm up. The temperature was already 20 degrees when I left home at 8:15.
Rode out along the A432 thru' Coalpit Heath & skirted around south Yate before reaching the Village Hall in Iron Acton, a relatively small field for this new event ( 35 riders).
The course has recently been adjusted, starting further up the Wooton Road & turning at Charfield roundabout.

Good conditions but I was unable to get a PB :sad: 24 seconds down with a time of 26:04. But did manage to beat my Vets. standard time !
To put my effort into context the winners time was 21:57 ................. :eek:

Great coffee & cake back at HQ then a gentle pootle back home via Winterborne.

Thats still a good effort, well done.


West Somerset
I was forced to stay home this weekend, specifically within easy reach of the toilet, but managed to get some decent rides in during the week.

On Wednesday I got the train from Taunton to Castle Cary and cycled home via Sherborne, clocking up 72 miles of hills, descents and cake. I'd hoped to avoid the rain but it was a bit wet in the morning - not enough to water the crops or gardens but more than enough to leave the roads greasy just as I was approaching some decent downhills. :rolleyes: Behaved myself but managed 38mph down Rock Hill which (kind of) made up for it.

Stopped at the War Memorial in Sherborne. Had to play with the settings as the light wasn't helpful and neither was the proximity of the road, hence the odd angle.
Sherborne 16july14 (451x600).jpg

Thankfully these clouds were heading in the opposite direction to me:
Threatening sky 16july14 (800x600).jpg

I caught a glimpse of this view as I was merrily making my way along the flat and slammed on the brakes to go back for a better look. An elderly couple passed in their car and stopped to see if I was ok, having seen my bike abandoned on the verge.
Barley field 16july14 (800x600).jpg

That was my longest ride for a while so I don't know what inspired me the following day to get up and do it all over again, accumulating 68 miles over the Quantock Hills and surrounding countryside. My sit bones were vigorously complaining by the time I got home. Actually, no - they started with 20 miles to go. :B)

Once up in the hills, I stopped to admire this herd who were loving the good weather and plentiful supply of grass:
Quantocks cattle 17july14 (800x449).jpg

Peeping 17july14 (800x600).jpg

Saw this lady and thought of @skudupnorth :whistle:
Sneaky 17july14 (451x600).jpg

I've no idea why this church in the sleepy Somerset village of Stogursey was flying the Saltire. :scratch:
Stogursey 17july14 (450x600).jpg

Once my sit bones started to make their feelings known, I opted for the easy way home and headed along the Bridgwater-Taunton canal instead of back over the hills. It's not really the easy option as the surface is horrible, especially on the road bike, but it's flat. I actually couldn't stand it for more than a few miles so as soon as I could, I left it once I'd bypassed the worst of the climbing and took to the tarmac once more.
Taunton Canal 17july14 (800x599).jpg

The Levels 17july14 (800x600).jpg

I was absolutely shattered by the time I got home but knew it was worth it as my total for the year to date crept up to a shadow over 4000 miles. :wahhey:


Perhaps This One.....
I was forced to stay home this weekend, specifically within easy reach of the toilet, but managed to get some decent rides in during the week.

On Wednesday I got the train from Taunton to Castle Cary and cycled home via Sherborne, clocking up 72 miles of hills, descents and cake. I'd hoped to avoid the rain but it was a bit wet in the morning - not enough to water the crops or gardens but more than enough to leave the roads greasy just as I was approaching some decent downhills. :rolleyes: Behaved myself but managed 38mph down Rock Hill which (kind of) made up for it.

Stopped at the War Memorial in Sherborne. Had to play with the settings as the light wasn't helpful and neither was the proximity of the road, hence the odd angle.
View attachment 50927

Thankfully these clouds were heading in the opposite direction to me:
View attachment 50928

I caught a glimpse of this view as I was merrily making my way along the flat and slammed on the brakes to go back for a better look. An elderly couple passed in their car and stopped to see if I was ok, having seen my bike abandoned on the verge.
View attachment 50926

That was my longest ride for a while so I don't know what inspired me the following day to get up and do it all over again, accumulating 68 miles over the Quantock Hills and surrounding countryside. My sit bones were vigorously complaining by the time I got home. Actually, no - they started with 20 miles to go. :B)

Once up in the hills, I stopped to admire this herd who were loving the good weather and plentiful supply of grass:
View attachment 50930

View attachment 50929

Saw this lady and thought of @skudupnorth :whistle:
View attachment 50931

I've no idea why this church in the sleepy Somerset village of Stogursey was flying the Saltire. :scratch:
View attachment 50932

Once my sit bones started to make their feelings known, I opted for the easy way home and headed along the Bridgwater-Taunton canal instead of back over the hills. It's not really the easy option as the surface is horrible, especially on the road bike, but it's flat. I actually couldn't stand it for more than a few miles so as soon as I could, I left it once I'd bypassed the worst of the climbing and took to the tarmac once more.
View attachment 50933

View attachment 50934

I was absolutely shattered by the time I got home but knew it was worth it as my total for the year to date crept up to a shadow over 4000 miles. :wahhey:

The like for the ride and photo's, less so for the first line of your post:whistle:


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
Got an unexpected pass out today, both the kids were invited to friends houses. So donned the Lycra and headed out for a swift tempo ride across the Cheshire plain. 35 miles no pressure just a nice ride along the lanes.
There was clearly some sort of sportive on, with people with numbers attached to their bars heading in the opposite direction. Spotted a slightly ironic site in Twemlow, just near Goostrey on their route. Who needs a yellow bike.

It is the new golf don't ya know. :whistle:

Back before the kids got home. Quick shower and joint of beef in the oven for the return of swmbo and my parents visiting for Sunday dinner. I think a bottle of red will go well with that. ^_^

Deleted member 23692

Apologies for this not being today's ride but last weekend's - I've been to visit my folks for the week and only got back yesterday. And it's been a bit of an eventful week!

Last Saturday saw me leaving Nottingham early in the morning with my MTB on the roof of the car and heading out to Middleton Top. From there it is a short road ride to Carsington Water and then round the edge of the reservoir before heading across to Tissington.


Once there, I joined the Tissington Trail and headed northwards to the Junction of the High Peak Trail which I then followed back to Middleton Top. An excellent mainly off-road circuit marred only be the poor state of the Sustrans off-road sections.


Garmin gen = 32½ miles / 1500 ft @ 12.1 mph. . . . . . . . max speed 37mph :smile:

There should have been another couple of rides but some pikey nobber saw fit to nick the bike from the locked garage in the night... and it was the first night it was in there. :sad:


West Somerset
Apologies for this not being today's ride but last weekend's - I've been to visit my folks for the week and only got back yesterday. And it's been a bit of an eventful week!

Last Saturday saw me leaving Nottingham early in the morning with my MTB on the roof of the car and heading out to Middleton Top. From there it is a short road ride to Carsington Water and then round the edge of the reservoir before heading across to Tissington.


Once there, I joined the Tissington Trail and headed northwards to the Junction of the High Peak Trail which I then followed back to Middleton Top. An excellent mainly off-road circuit marred only be the poor state of the Sustrans off-road sections.


Garmin gen = 32½ miles / 1500 ft @ 12.1 mph. . . . . . . . max speed 37mph :smile:

There should have been another couple of rides but some pikey nobber saw fit to nick the bike from the locked garage in the night... and it was the first night it was in there. :sad:
Sorry to hear the bike's been stolen :sad:


Legendary Member
A shorter ride than normal - a mere 97Km - though I did go down in the peak district (from south Manchester) including a nice climb up Ridge Hill, then down to Wincle, a bit of a loop in Staffordshire, then back again via ridge hill. Still don't know the best routes round these parts but I seem to be getting to know a few hilly ones..... 1296m of climbing according to the Garmin thingie...... I suppose last weeks was 2017m but at 110Km further I guess it was a bit flat....

Deleted member 23692

Somebody saw where you put it?
According to the coppers they've either seen the bike a'top the car and followed my home or they've noticed an unfamiliar car with a bike rack on the top on my folks driveway.. either way; they've put two and two together and helped themselves


Had my best ride since getting back on the bike. 16 miles around the local mid Devon countryside and the curious village/town names like Burlescombe, Uffculme and Samford Peverell
Likely to become a regular route I think, enough for me at the moment but can extend it easily enough if/when I want to. Main problem is the biggest hill is about half a mile from the start, would be nice to get the legs warmed up a little before taking it on really!

14701148185_ce769cc342_c.jpg Burlescombe church from canal at westleigh by topcataj, on Flickr

Took this pic when I was almost home, the church you can just about see in the distance is by the steep bit I struggle with early on in the ride. Looking at those kind of segments on Strava is depressing for now, 109/144 and 113/148 :sad: Still got a PR on it today!
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