Your Past Schoolteachers - nicknames & memories.

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I used to work with a someone who fell out with the maths head I referred to above, because he took his daughter to a pop festival after he'd forbidden it. :laugh:

We had Mr Howe, an ex-RAF guy for maths one year, and nobody dared flinch a muscle whilst he was in the room, on the other hand, Mr Garlick was a really nice guy, but we used to play him up something terrible.


Legendary Member
We openly called our maths teacher Rigsby because he looked and spoke like Leonard Rossiter.


Not my teacher, because I never did Latin, but the Latin Master at school was nicknamed "Penfold" because, well, he looked just like Penfold from the Danger Mouse cartoons...

Our Latin teacher was Mr Garlick the maths teacher, he had less success at keeping us quiet than he did in maths, so he gave up, and read us Greek mythology instead. Mr Jolley the physics teacher was the spitting image of Ron Mael, but we didn't call him Ron.



Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
My German teacher, I can't remember his real name, was nicknamed Die Eule (the owl) as he wore large round spectacles and shrugged his shoulders a lot to realign his chalky black gown.
When I was a teacher in North Wales there were several Mr Evans's

most were referred to as e.g. Mr Evans the RE teacher

but the Geography teacher - and laster on Assistant Head - was shortish but powerfully built and had the body language for it

He was referred to as Die Hard

and not just by the teachers - the kids called him that as well - including to other teachers

I was talking to a pupil on day with the Deputy Head - asking why he was out of lessons (it was one of the "Usual Suspects") and he said his teacher gave him permission
Which teacher?
Mr Evans
WHich one
The - err - the err - Die Hard

Oh OK I'l check - make sure you go straight back

Only nickname that crossed the teacher pupil boundary


Legendary Member
We had a hulking great PE teacher, Mr Wilkes. He was built and looked like Big Pat Roache's Nazzy character from Raiders of the Lost Ark. We called him The Bullet.

We had Mr Fox, or Old Filthy Pervert Fox, who'd come into the boys showers and whip us with towels. He was later to get locked up for under age unsavouryness.

We had Mr Tilley, a tiny guy. He was actually alright, although the Devil, as oft happens, took control of me one day and I pushed him into a ditch on the playing field.

We had Mr Cole at prep school, who was a nasty piece of work. If he thought caning me was the end of the matter he was wrong, as he discovered after I poured sugar into his petrol tank. He must really have annoyed someone as he hadn't had the car back long from being repaired when someone torched it.

And who can forget Mr Winhaver, a maths teacher of the old school and a crack shot with the wooden board rubber. More than once he got me between the eyes with it. My how we laughed when he fell off a ladder one summer and broke his back and never returned to teaching.

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
Teachers' nicknames:- Gob, Pug, Twitch, The Tube, Monty, Doc, Ma'am, Paddy, Nev, Bunny, and more that escape memory. It was a long time ago.

A teacher friend of mine was in hysterics about a new colleague, a Mr Mycock.


Wished I could remember his name but early 1970s, we had a history teacher, must have been 6 ft 3 perhaps, a skinny but big boned man with hands like shovels, his party piece was to clap you round the back of the head as he passed if you were misbehaving, it usually refocused your attention :laugh:


Maths teacher wee bat

Deputy head was Frooch

Head was Ranjeet

French teacher Hitler

Pe teacher Baw heid

Food nutrition teacher was always Mrs McConeachy as she was a lovely woman that knew my dad and always made us cakes. :okay:
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