Your day's wildlife

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Dave 123

Legendary Member
A Dark Spectacle moth



There is what I presume to be a female Goshawk taking hens around here. Don't expect I will see it for a photo,
but makes you very aware of the wildlife. ^_^


Devotee of OCD
Saw a large deer whilst dog walking yesterday. As ever these things are so flighty: you just have to grab whatever shot you can. Even with an iPhone 15 ProMax which should be about as good as phone cameras get:…..I was along way away - fully zoomed in; and this was as good as i could get…….

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Curlew in the garden of our holiday house on Shetlend

View attachment 741637

EDIT apparently this is a Whimbrel, which is a species of curlew found in Shetland. Confusing no?

I have a particular fondness for this bird. 40 yrs ago, when I first moved out of my parents home & moved to Boston w/ my girlfriend, friends of her family let us use their vacation house on Cape Cod for about a week. kind of like a honeymoon. our cat saw a carved bird on a window sill & attacked it, breaking it's long bill. we searched, w/o the internet of course, for a custom wooden bird carver. we had to get it fixed before the owners returned. that's when he told us what it was. sure enough he did an amazing repair job & I don't think the owner ever knew the wiser

saw this one (related?) this past Spring on Martha's Vineyard. but it's bill isn't as long & isn't curved so I guess it's not a Curlew?
curlew open small.jpg

that was a great cat btw Majdi
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