Your day's wildlife

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Legendary Member
Saw these while walking the dog in the local park, was amazed the lake was completely covered in green algae....


Heltor Chasca

Out-riding the Black Dog
With my job (gardener) I’m pretty lucky and get to see a lot. And stung a lot.

I was stung on the calf today by a wasp. Large, ground colony with a 2.5” round hole as the entrance on the edge of a pond. They were collecting and delivering water which was fascinating to watch. On Tuesday, at another client’s house, I watched as wasps flew in and picked off almost every cabbage white caterpillar from some brassicas. I really am quite fond of wasps. So useful in gardens.

Where I was stung, it drew blood. My calf is sore and stiff and feels like a cross between cramp and bruising. I bet it’ll itch like a basket tomorrow. I’m doing a 250km Audax and I daren't cry off after seeing that TDF cyclist with broken knee cap cycle a further 60km :eek:


Girl from the North Country
[QUOTE 5326425, member: 9609"]no awards for the photo, but I was in Durham Cathedrial today and in one of the corridors during the middle of the day was a bat hunting, watched it for 15 minutes, the corridor was open to the outside(no glass in those windows) so it wasn't trapped or anything, seemed to be catching stuff. - never seen a bat hunting in the middle of the day before.
View attachment 421110 [/QUOTE]

Was that in the corridor round the quadrangle bit? I saw a bat there years and years ago, also in daylight. Perhaps it's a regular thing with that particular colony.


Started young, and still going.
I found a dead Shrew in the front garden this morning, untouched with no obvious marks on it. I didn't know I had Shrews around my way.

Heltor Chasca

Out-riding the Black Dog

Most likely a cat or starvation/thirst. I have been told they are poisonous hence they are killed but rarely eaten. I stand to be corrected.

Hugh Manatee

Not a good picture but, we had a large moth in the house. Cue lots of chasing around trying to gently catch it and get it outside. It was a very ordinary brown and white sort of DPM colours. What you would expect from a creature at the business end of the night time food chain that wants to go unnoticed.

It momentarily settled on the light and looked totally different.


It is we think, an Orange Underwing and shortly after this was taken, it was captured and sent on its way. A good 60mm wing span at least.


No pictures I'm afraid, but had a fauna-filled ride yesterday...
Spotted around a dozen woodpeckers, two deer, one badger, and most dramatically, I was very nearly taken out by a huge buzzard exploding out of the verge as I passed :eek:My friend wasn't sure which was louder, the squeal from my tyres locking-up, or the shriek of fright from me :blush:
All this on a wee 22-mile round trip to the cafe for coffee and cake, got to love the Highlands!
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