Would Joining a Cycling Club be Right For Me?

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Down in England my old clubs from the 80’s and 90’s both had well supported ‘Autumn Tints’ sections, these provided easy paced mudguards and saddlebag rides for the over-50’s, almost all with long experience of club riding throughout their younger decades. These looked very enjoyable and I always hoped to be able to transition into similar rides myself when the time came. Alas I’m now 60 and I find there’s no such thing in these parts. The only easy paced rides provided by the local clubs are all badged as ‘development’ rides aimed at beginners. And I’ve had my fill of riding with beginners.

You have looked at a lot of clubs, Edinburgh certainly has it's pick. Just think, if you join a club you could create what you want and let others enjoy it, that is what I always did if what I felt I wanted was not there.
You have looked at a lot of clubs, Edinburgh certainly has it's pick. Just think, if you join a club you could create what you want and let others enjoy it, that is what I always did if what I felt I wanted was not there.

How many clubs do you think Edinburgh has ? :eek:

Let me enlighten you, 2. There are 2 more to the east but as I’m on the west they are of no use to me.


The point about chat in a cycling club is an interesting one. I don’t know much about bikes and marvel at the knowledge displayed on here. It would never be within my grasp.

In my club experience talk about bikes is very limited. If someone is planning a new bike or has turned up on one there might be 5 - 10 minute chat about it.

When I'm out with my two main cycling buddies we might discuss gearing, wheels, tyres but that's about it. We do talk a lot about diet, nutrition, workout routines and general health. We discuss our health, families, holidays. We put the world to rights for mile after mile, hour after hour. As we are one Tory, one Labour and a socialist it makes for great chat.

We also shoot the breeze an awful lot.....🤣

I would hope the talk/chat on any ride I join would be far more than about bikes.
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Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
How many clubs do you think Edinburgh has ? :eek:

Let me enlighten you, 2. There are 2 more to the east but as I’m on the west they are of no use to me.

Much the same in my area. We have Inverclyde Velo in Greenock (15 miles north) and Fullarton Wheelers in Kilwinning (20 miles south). Neither of which I have any inclination to join. I think the simple reason is that cycling isn't that popular in Scotland. Maybe the weather doesn't help! Driver attitude is most certainly a negative factor, in my local area at least.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Much the same in my area. We have Inverclyde Velo in Greenock (15 miles north) and Fullarton Wheelers in Kilwinning (20 miles south). Neither of which I have any inclination to join. I think the simple reason is that cycling isn't that popular in Scotland. Maybe the weather doesn't help! Driver attitude is most certainly a negative factor, in my local area at least.

I did join the CTC a few years ago, and went on a few organised group rides with them. But jeez.... surely there is some middle ground between the arse up, head down peletons associated with the riders in regulation lycra club kit, and the pipe, slippers, and saddlebag brigade who think it is ok to shelter from the rain in a pub where they eat their own sandwiches??


South Wales
I did join the CTC a few years ago, and went on a few organised group rides with them. But jeez.... surely there is some middle ground between the arse up, head down peletons associated with the riders in regulation lycra club kit, and the pipe, slippers, and saddlebag brigade who think it is ok to shelter from the rain in a pub where they eat their own sandwiches??

The more I read this thread, the more I think I have fallen lucky with my local club. The majority of members definitely fall in that middle ground you want.


How many clubs do you think Edinburgh has ? :eek:

Let me enlighten you, 2. There are 2 more to the east but as I’m on the west they are of no use to me.

There are quite a few smaller one's according to a cycling photographer friend of mine from the area. Where I am in Lincoln we have two that you would find easily and a good few more that you would have to look harder to find.



The more I read this thread, the more I think I have fallen lucky with my local club. The majority of members definitely fall in that middle ground you want.
I think the majority of cycling clubs are that middle ground. I'm always left bemused by the comments on CC which are clearly anti cycle clubs.

In my view most cycle clubs are full of people who just want a good ride. Every club has some who want nothing but speed, my club does, we ignore them. If some fast lads turn up and tear off the front and the group turns off right or left to follow the route we do. Eventually they look back, realise no one is there and they don't have the route!! 🤣 Keeps us all amused for miles.


The more I read this thread, the more I think I have fallen lucky with my local club. The majority of members definitely fall in that middle ground you want.

All the clubs I have belonged to have been the same as well, in fact apart from pure racing clubs every club I have known is about the same Alex.


I think the majority of cycling clubs are that middle ground. I'm always left bemused by the comments on CC which are clearly anti cycle clubs.

In my view most cycle clubs are full of people who just want a good ride. Every club has some who want nothing but speed, my club does, we ignore them. If some fast lads turn up and tear off the front and the group turns off right or left to follow the route we do. Eventually they look back, realise no one is there and they don't have the route!! 🤣 Keeps us all amused for miles.

I agree, I am sure it is often more down to the individual than the club.
I agree, I am sure it is often more down to the individual than the club.

I would never join a cycle club for all the reasons I have posted already but none of that is due to attitude problems in the clubs in my area. I know a few club members and they are all good blokes, a bit younger and possibly a bit faster than me, who would not stay in clubs where elitist attitudes were the norm.

Any group of people will have a few elitist, arrogant a*seholes even, dare I say, CC, but that is not a reason to not join.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
I'm always left bemused by the comments on CC which are clearly anti cycle clubs.

Not sure who that comment is directed at, but if it was myself or others who prefer not to join a club, let me explain.

I am not anti cycling clubs. It's a common mistake made on CC that if someone doesn't want to partake in something (see "wearing a helmet", for example) then they are somehow "anti" that activity. That is not the case.

For my part, I have a similar view to @Rusty Nails in that I prefer to suit myself as to when I cycle, where I cycle, what distance I cycle, what route I take, when and where I stop; and all these things are subject to change during the ride! This obviously does not fit in with the concept of group riding, and I see no other reason for joining a cycling club.
That does not make me anti cycling club. If it floats your boat, carry on. But it's not for me, thanks.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
As I wrote, down to the individual, my fear is that people may be put off joining a club by reading the writing of someone who has maybe never even belonged to one, or put any effort in once they have joined.

We are mostly grown ups. I am sure people can make up their own minds as to whether they want to join a cycling club or not. And I really don't think anyone needs to have belonged to one to have a reasonable idea of what it involves.
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