This site changes what I'd call them into daffodil. 🤷
Wait until you have a long term illness or three (become what British Cycling's then-leaders called "wobblies"), then go along to a wannabe-fast club's "welcome" ride. I suspect you'll still find a bike snob roadie at many, because BC really haven't addressed this well yet: BC basically acknowledged years ago some/too many of their clubs deter non-stereotypical riders but preferred to fund setting up new clubs for some of the deterred people, rather than reform problem clubs.
Prevalence? The rest of it seems sort of random, but it seems like any sufficiently large group of roadie club men is almost certain to contain an insulter, and most of the group will deny there is one and fail to restrain or correct them.
Great. Thank you. "Daffodils" I imagine you know is a highly derogatory term in many ways, not least when directed towards gay men and cross-dressers. I didn't know the site replaces certain words with daffodil. That's ridiculous and leads to serious misunderstanding. I thought you were using the word in its derogatory sense.
I've been around cycle clubs for 25 years, secretary of my current club for six years. I stood down a year ago. Overall I don't recognise the behaviour you describe. Perhaps it varies across the country? I'm in Lancashire. I fully acknowledge clubs have d******** amongst their membership but have never seen it as prevalent as you describe. Only a month ago I called out one of our guys for his misogynistic comments and attitude.
I've returned from a heart attack, stroke and I'm currently fighting my way back from being hit by a tractor at 35mph. I think I have relevant experience on this one. All the riders I know are very supportive.
I've avoided these examples but here goes. I often see groups of riders on flatbars, usually wearing heavy bright yellow jackets, even in summer, sometimes backpacks, sometimes rackpacks. These riders never respond to a wave or shout.
I ride a lot of gravel, I use my bell whenever I need to. I usually get a smile or thankyou from walkers. I'd put myself in the 1% of riders who do this. When I'm walking, especially on towpaths, MTBers approaching from behind never announce themselves. From the front they make no attempt to slow. Just this morning four MTBers came round a blind bend on the road out of my village. It's a dead end. One on my side of the road so busy looking left chatting to his mate I had to brake hard to avoid him hitting me. On Rivington, a big local MTB area, it's very common to encounter groups of MTB riders descending trails at speed who simply expect walkers to stand aside.
I could go on but won't. The point is there are d******** in every branch of our sport. I don't stereotype these riders and think it's wrong to stereotype roadies/club riders on the way many in here do.