Wild Camping Punishment

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berty bassett

Legendary Member
Is it ok for me to park my car on your drive without your consent even though there is a carpark in town ? I might not throw my rubbish in your hedge and I might not crap on your rockery but that will be my choice - o and your not allowed to lose your rag


Kilometre nibbler
Is it ok for me to park my car on your drive without your consent even though there is a carpark in town ? I might not throw my rubbish in your hedge and I might not crap on your rockery but that will be my choice - o and your not allowed to lose your rag

Someone did exactly this recently (parked on my drive blocking my garage). I went out and had a word. As we were talking I saw someone drive off and a space on the street became free, so I asked them to park there instead. Which they did.

What I did not do was to open discussions by assaulting them.

berty bassett

Legendary Member
Someone did exactly this recently (parked on my drive blocking my garage). I went out and had a word. As we were talking I saw someone drive off and a space on the street became free, so I asked them to park there instead. Which they did.

What I did not do was to open discussions by assaulting them.

And if he does it same time tomorrow ? Then the day after ? 🤷‍♂️


Über Member
I would be narked if I had just got up early hitched everything up got to my field and saw a freeloader stopping me doing what I wanted in my field

Can you explain how a tent on the headland will spoil your days work?
Freeloader ?


Über Member
Is it ok for me to park my car on your drive without your consent even though there is a carpark in town ? I might not throw my rubbish in your hedge and I might not crap on your rockery but that will be my choice - o and your not allowed to lose your rag

Best way I've seen for dealing with this.
Approach driver and say "I'm glad I've seen you as I wanted to have a word about your car" Driver is immediately about to go on the defensive ...... But you're his buddy........ " I saw someone trying the door and I think they may have been after stealing it but I chased them off"
Guy won't park there again just in case.
You don't know what nutters are out there - If you confronted him and got even mildly condemning he might come along later and scratch your car (or whatever)? This way you are his friend and he won't park there again. ;)


Legendary Member
Is it ok for me to park my car on your drive without your consent even though there is a carpark in town ? I might not throw my rubbish in your hedge and I might not crap on your rockery but that will be my choice - o and your not allowed to lose your rag

You would be perfectly entitled to lose your rag.

You would not be entitled to commit multiple criminal offences while getting upset though.

I don't think you'd be cut out for vigilantism if that's the way the world went. I'd thrive over the weak, I'd be a king, but even I don't want to live in a world like that. You'd be dead inside a week.

berty bassett

Legendary Member
Just tell us berty - have you actually researched what happened? It's not difficult.

Or are you just inventing scenarios that didnt happen, but you wish had happened so you can argue about them?

Let me warn you, you're coming across as an ill-informed idiot! Is that what you want?!? :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

I did read it yes thank you and all I have really said is people shouldn’t be so ready to judge while not knowing what could have been happening for years . No I don’t agree with you saying it was ok for him to camp in the field when you don’t know if he was going to cause upset in anyway . It was the farmers field , he didn’t want wild campers and this time he over reacted to stop a wild camper that shouldn’t have been there , there were at least 2 campsites in area that if he had stopped at it would have been problem solved , he could have asked someone when he saw someone if he could camp or he could have got up early and been on his way , he decided just to do what he wanted and paid a heavy price , not justified but very preventable
I asked about the driveway scenario to see where you would draw the line , as in it’s ok to do what I want in a farmers field but no-one is allowed on my property without my consent
Personally I wouldn’t want a stranger parking on my drive while I was at work without asking and I do think it’s much the same as what the farmer feels about his field - just saying
It is an opposing view to yours but doesn’t make it wrong


I did read it yes thank you and all I have really said is people shouldn’t be so ready to judge while not knowing what could have been happening for years . No I don’t agree with you saying it was ok for him to camp in the field when you don’t know if he was going to cause upset in anyway . It was the farmers field , he didn’t want wild campers and this time he over reacted to stop a wild camper that shouldn’t have been there , there were at least 2 campsites in area that if he had stopped at it would have been problem solved , he could have asked someone when he saw someone if he could camp or he could have got up early and been on his way , he decided just to do what he wanted and paid a heavy price , not justified but very preventable
I asked about the driveway scenario to see where you would draw the line , as in it’s ok to do what I want in a farmers field but no-one is allowed on my property without my consent
Personally I wouldn’t want a stranger parking on my drive while I was at work without asking and I do think it’s much the same as what the farmer feels about his field - just saying
It is an opposing view to yours but doesn’t make it wrong

There is zero correlation between a farmers field and a driveway though.

berty bassett

Legendary Member
There is zero correlation between a farmers field and a driveway though.

Maybe not but in both scenarios someone is doing what they want regardless of what is actually allowed. Trouble is the wild camper met someone who by the sounds of it had had enough and went ott to stop it


South Wales
Is it ok for me to park my car on your drive without your consent even though there is a carpark in town ? I might not throw my rubbish in your hedge and I might not crap on your rockery but that will be my choice - o and your not allowed to lose your rag

First, that is very different, since they would be blocking your access, while from what was written, this cyclist did not appear to be blocking anything.

Second, nobody has said the farmer shouldn't be annoyed.

But you don't start by assaulting somebody in this situation. If the same person does it over and over again, that would be different of course. But that didn't happen here.


South Wales
I did read it yes thank you and all I have really said is people shouldn’t be so ready to judge while not knowing what could have been happening for years . No I don’t agree with you saying it was ok for him to camp in the field when you don’t know if he was going to cause upset in anyway . It was the farmers field , he didn’t want wild campers and this time he over reacted to stop a wild camper that shouldn’t have been there , there were at least 2 campsites in area that if he had stopped at it would have been problem solved , he could have asked someone when he saw someone if he could camp or he could have got up early and been on his way , he decided just to do what he wanted and paid a heavy price , not justified but very preventable
I asked about the driveway scenario to see where you would draw the line , as in it’s ok to do what I want in a farmers field but no-one is allowed on my property without my consent
Personally I wouldn’t want a stranger parking on my drive while I was at work without asking and I do think it’s much the same as what the farmer feels about his field - just saying
It is an opposing view to yours but doesn’t make it wrong

You seem to be of the opinion here that everybody is supporting the cyclist, thinking he did no wrong. I'm not sure anybody has suggested that what the cyclist did was OK.

The farmer was perfectly entitled to be angry with him, to yell at him tio get off his land, but he was not entitled to assault the cyclist.
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