Wild Camping Punishment

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Über Member
I do find it interesting that this site seems to attract comments from those who are quick to condemn those who own land. All very socialistic.

Comments have criticised a custodian of the land whether he owns or rents it is irrelevant. It’s his actions which are wrong.
I do believe that land outwith a curtilage cannot be private but it must be respected. A field aftermath awaiting its next function can not be harmed by a man and tent overnight.
If those thoughts make me a socialist so be it I’m proud of it.. We are all Jock Tamson's Bairns
The last 30 years of my working life I managed a 5000 acre livestock farm with a steady flow of public access. In all that time there was only one person who raised my blood pressure. It didn’t turn me into a keep off my land person.
Right to roam is forlorn hope in England isn’t it as it’s certainly a different country.

Mr Celine

I would hope that some, maybe not the 'sort' who post here, would have sympathy with the farmer instead of taking the usual 'anti-everything they don't have' tack: This from the referenced Sun article:

“There is a campsite 400 yards in one direction and 600 yards in the other but they just please themselves these people. We’ve had people from towns walking in the fields.

“There is 50,000 acres of Dartmoor nearby and he chose to camp in my field. They come up from the towns and think they can do what they want. We’ve had loads of trouble with dogs worrying the sheep.

“They wouldn’t like it if I went camping in their garden. They’ve got no knowledge of the countryside at all. They come up from the towns and think they can do what they want. They probably think food grows on a plant or something.”

I'm not sure which is more absurd, the farmer's justification or your approval of it.

Were the farmer's non-existent sheep being worried by the campers non-existent dog? Had the camper mistaken the farmer's garden for an empty field?
Don't either of you eat fruit?
Leave no trace, bury what you can't take with you. ;)

I used to wildcamp with someone who packed everything out, except perhaps liquids. Had a tupperware box with ziplpck bags for the unpleasant solids and paper. Never known anyone else do it.
Can i just say that not all of us who have criticised the camper for his choices ĺ hold @blackrat 's opinions over the farm workers? Whilst I am going against the flow I saying that I think the camper should have used one of the two campsites 400m from that spot. I in no way think that the farm worker is anything less than a criminal awaiting prosecution should a complaint be made. I agree wholeheartedly with the consensus on that. I just cannot join the consensus on the campers choices.

Also, someone on here said that he might not have known the campsite was there. Just how long would a campsite you can't find last? I've yet to see a campsite without a sign pointing to it from the road. He'd have known there was a campsite if he'd ridden past one.
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I think the camper should have used one of the two campsites 400m from that spot

Why should he?

Can't I eat a picnic on a bench, even when there's a McDonalds in walking distance?

berty bassett

Legendary Member
Not knowing the back story at all but I could understand the farm worker being fed up if this happened every other day , and not read the full story I wouldn’t have thought he went and got tractor just to douse the camper . I would be narked if I had just got up early hitched everything up got to my field and saw a freeloader stopping me doing what I wanted in my field when there was facilities for the camper in either direction . I would probably have thought not another one ! Last idiot left rubbish everywhere , when I went to pick it up to stop the cows that I am about to put in here eating it , I slipped in his turd , well not this time !! - we don’t know so maybe shouldn’t judge so quickly , not unlike the farmer who shot the burglar after years of torment
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