Who knows the youngest Dick

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Some of these I have trouble believing

but then I think again and remember that people can be weird so it probably is true


Firm and Fruity
My lecturer at university was called Dick Goodenough.
Always made me chuckle why he chose Dick rather than Richard.


Eh up
Did your cycling mate send stories into Terry Wogan by any chance
Not being a fan of Wogan I had to look the connection up, he probably pinched the name from the show, but I doubt it was him, he's too busy cycling and watching Leeds United, both give pleasure and pain.


Legendary Member
Once had a client called Fanny Milker



Kilometre nibbler
I've just remembered a guy I knew at university. He was universally called "Dick" and I think it was his preferred name. I don't recall his real first name but his surname was Emery.

He'd be mid 60s now. And probably doesn't go by "Dick" any more.


usually riding on Zwift...
I'm reading (Famous) Five Go On A Hike to my 7yo at the moment, and there are two Dicks in that story! The young Dick that we all know and love, and a grown-up Dick, so to speak. Fnarr fnarr.


Certain names go out of fashion for obvious reasons. My Dad’s friend Dick is 80 today.
It got me thinking whether anyone actively chooses the name Dick these days, when you can be Richard, Rick or Ricky.
The youngest Dick I can think of is Dick Strawbridge 64 ( who I suspect is a bit of a dick)
So over to you. Who knows the youngest Dick. But they have to be known as their main name by choice.

I will also accept Willy and Fanny.
I know a guy who goes by the name Dick at work, although we call him Richie. No idea how that came about, but he's 52.

I know loads of Williams that get shortened to Willie, but here in the west coast that soon changes again to Wullie.

I've another mate who is called Francis and is a guy. You would think he would have had a tough time in the school with that name, but I think as we were brought up with it, we considered it pretty normal compared to the other guy called Leslie. :giggle: We refer to Francis as Franny.
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