Who knows the youngest Dick

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Has anyone encountered a Mike Hunt, or perhaps Isaac Hunt ?

We had a teacher called Mr Hunt
and yes he was normally referred to as Isaac - but not to his face
I think his name was Clive
Despite appearances, built in 2019. Five years old.


I had an uncle called Dick and my dad was a Derek.

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
I've nothing against Dereks but I only know of Derek Jarman, the film director. He had a house on a pebbly beach looking out at a featureless North Sea and made nasty films when I was younger.

Generally regarded as a genius.


Firm and Fruity
When I was in hospital the chap in the opposite bed was talking about his dog, he lived in Dewsbury, and said everyone knew his dog, it’s name was Enoch

There can’t be many Enoch’s alive. That’s a name with certain connotations.
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