Who knows the youngest Dick

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Legendary Member
Think about this the only Derek I know is my age. I think the name is all but extinct now.


Kilometre nibbler
Think about this the only Derek I know is my age. I think the name is all but extinct now.

In the 80s I worked as a barman in a hotel in Wales run buy a bloke called Derek. He was known as "Decca" I don't know if that's a Welsh thing or if it was a personal nickname.
I'm a Richard, and I was interested to read the original posting.

Only my Mum (now in her mid 80's) calls me Richard. Nobody calls me Rick or Ricky (different name imho) and nobody has ever called me Dick or Dicky.

Everyone (bar me Mum) calls me Rich.

Interestingly, the other name mentioned is Derek, and the only Derek I know is my father in law who is in his late 70's.


Kilometre nibbler
My mum never called my dad Dick. He was always Richard. My auntie (his sister) called him Rich. To pretty much everyone else he was Dick.


Where I served my apprenticeship, I had three colleagues called Dick, youngest would be pushing 70 now I guess.

My own name, Frank, I thought of as not being all that common, but it turns up very often in films and TV dramas for some reason.

I'm known as Fran/Franny by my immediate family.

There's a Fox Terrier round the corner from me called Frank, he's a lively little lad.

And a little dog up the road called Eric, proper manly names.


Started young, and still going.
There was a boy at school in the same year, but a different class, his name was Richard Dick. I can't remember the name of his twin brother though. He would be 66 now.


Legendary Member
When I worked at Sellafield in the early 80's there was a well thought of guy on a rapid career track, named Dick Peebles.

He was promoted to a Top Floor job and rapidly let it be known that henceforth he was Richard Peebles - confirming that, all along, he had in fact been a Dick.
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