Where would I cycle in this situation?

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Leg End Member
I'd worry that any sign - unless in a massive font - would just encourage close passes as drivers tried to read it.
If they read it?
Unless they know it's there, they'll not be bothered by it.


Devotee of OCD
Is this the bottom of Southwold High Street ?

If so: just insert plum in mouth - and you’re good to ride wherever you like 😉

To be fair I’m not sure anyone will really notice. The place is like Gods waiting room at the best of times…….


Legendary Member
Yup, I'm back: I got this of the EDP24 web site this morning, apparently a van driver and cyclist got into it, no details I'm afraid because I do not have a subscription to that paper. Anyway. I was wondering if I come across this road on my tour through Britain, where would I be expected to ride so as not to pee off drivers? The road itself does not have any shoulder, is it the path between the hedges I should aim for?

I'd ride on the road in a position appropriate to the conditions, and any drivers that don't like thwt can kiss my considerably hairy backside.

The sign is not one of the legally approved types that denotes either a shared path or a cycle lane/path, so one can only presume it's there for information purposes to advise riders on the road.

Shared path...


Cycle lane (also valid without the text.)

The sign displayed there is neither, and is not lawfully authorising a rider to use the footway.
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Yup, I'm back: I got this of the EDP24 web site this morning, apparently a van driver and cyclist got into it, no details I'm afraid because I do not have a subscription to that paper. Anyway. I was wondering if I come across this road on my tour through Britain, where would I be expected to ride so as not to pee off drivers? The road itself does not have any shoulder, is it the path between the hedges I should aim for?
You're not expected to ride anywhere. I ride 100% on the road unless it suits my purpose to use a cycle path. There is no legal obligation or requirement to use a cycle path.

Establish your right to be on the highway. Sit 3 - 4 feet from the kerb. Hold your line steady and you'll be fine. Do not ride in the gutter, it's dangerous.

You won't pee off drivers and will find the majority are aware of cyclists. Yes, we have idiots but not many. It isn't a big issue, don't worry about it.


As others have said, there is no marked cycle path so you should be on the road in a comfortable position on the left hand side. The route 31 markings don't indicate a cycle lane they are just signage that there is a cycle friendly route.


Well-Known Member
Are you riding LEJOG? If so I wondered why you're in Southwold?

Indeed! But looking at the EDP site - I'm from Norwich, so nostalgia? - I saw this and wondered if it might have any bearing on my upcoming slog northward as a potentially typical example of current British road situations.
On an aside note, the main concern I have is how to avoid missing a strategic turn on my route and ending up on a motorway, so wondering about the conditions shown in the photo, I posted my plaintive worry, here.
For example: one line on my cue sheet is:
'A sort distance along the road bends to the left with 'Cedars House' in front of you and Wells Cathedral School. Turn R at the bend in the road down the one-way-street at the "School sign".
What happens if the "School sign" as disappeared, or Cedars House' is now a migrant centre called Alibaba?
For example: On the day I travel the 114 miles from Street to Bewdley - over the Bristol Channel - there are 100 cue changes of direction. Very easy to miss one - or more cues and finish up on the 'Safe Lane' of a motorway.


Grimpeur des terrains plats
What if it all turns out okay

What if you adjust your route, using your 'sense' that has got you this far in life

What if you waste your time worrying and not living?
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