where should i start from.

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Jimmy Doug

If you know what's good for you ...
You can ride any bike in any weather. But if you get it wet or muddy you'll need to clean. You need to treat your bike like a lady: give her lots of tender loving care! Seriously, though, bikes are sensitive to the grit in the puddles and - at this time of the year - salt. It's not the frame - that can put up with a lot - it's the moving components, particularly the chain. The lubricant on the chain mixes with the dust to create a very effective grinding compound. So, by all means, ride now - but be prepared to clean it properly. One thing: don't lubricate your chain until you need to: it's already got a very effective lubricant and if you put too much oil on, all the shite will stick to your chain. If your bike goes through dirt or gets wet, then you should wipe the chain and lube afterwards; otherwise, leave it alone.
Have fun!


You can ride any bike in any weather. But if you get it wet or muddy you'll need to clean. You need to treat your bike like a lady: give her lots of tender loving care! Seriously, though, bikes are sensitive to the grit in the puddles and - at this time of the year - salt. It's not the frame - that can put up with a lot - it's the moving components, particularly the chain. The lubricant on the chain mixes with the dust to create a very effective grinding compound. So, by all means, ride now - but be prepared to clean it properly. One thing: don't lubricate your chain until you need to: it's already got a very effective lubricant and if you put too much oil on, all the s***e will stick to your chain. If your bike goes through dirt or gets wet, then you should wipe the chain and lube afterwards; otherwise, leave it alone.
Have fun!

thnx mate i think i will be going for my first proper ride in abit as the weather is not too bad here today look quite dry...any recomendation on a computer??

Jimmy Doug

If you know what's good for you ...
Computer? Phew! That depends on what you're looking for. Mine has an altimetre and various other gizmos, but I don't think you need that right now. A lot of people on this forum recommend the Count - available at Décathlon. Personally, I found this to be very reliable.
If the weather's dry today, then you probably won't need to do any cleaning/lubricating.


boi it went pretty well...i felt really gud n lively and didnt even notice any of my worries or fear about riding on the road after 16yrs of not riding a bike not to talk of a drop bar as soon i get off my street onto the main road it was a breeze jus that i didnt knw how fast i was going as i dont have a computer yet will order one asap...i left the house at 1.15pm and got back at 2.17pm roughly 11miles round trip and still felt like riding some more though i did stop 2 or more time on the road for a drink and each time i stoped i waited for 2 to 3mins max, i still need to get use to gear changing as i havent riden a road bike before,when i got home geting upstairs was a hell of work lol my legs were so heavy that i felt like i was gonna trip but i like that feeling havent felt like that in ages now my question is when will the bum stop hurting was wondering how bad the bum would have hurt without a padded tight as i had one on but still felt abit of pain i know its normal in almost every sport or exercise we do for the first time we feel pain in some part of the body untill after sometime the body get use to it..as for cycling when wuld the bum pain stop lol btw i hope i did gud..


How did the ride go? Glad you got the t3. What other bits did you get?

thnx nick i got a padded tight not the best one though i got this one http://www.decathlon.co.uk/reinforced-tights-3-black-id_8181424.html 2 inner tube plus repair kit waterproof jacket helmet waterproof gloove,bag,pump and bottle plus bottle cage all came up to 423..still need a computer and a membrane jacket...computer that i need asap the jacket can wait lol


Active Member
garmin 500 for a computer or if thats a little expensive and you dont really want to record all the data just look at the cats eye range........decent padded shorts are a must but they still dont 100% solve the problem with the arse the only way to beat it unforunatly is hours in the saddle, i rememer my first couple rides even though i haven't been riding to long my bum is starting to toughen up lol oh and the legs aren't as stiff anymore long gone are days when i had to crawl upstairs.......enjoy your cycling and stick to it its all worth it


lol i like that feeling where u have to crawl upstairs,i wokeup in the middle of the nite for a wee and couldnt stand on my feet lol loving the challenge anyway im gettin ready for a 10miles round trip ride...i will have to save for the germin 500 as i would like to have a record of all the data as for the padded short i think i will manage what have got for now untill my bum get toughen ^_^ thanks anyway...


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
One tip that I think is very important to anyone starting or going back to road riding after a long lay off. Never pass a large vehicle on the left if you are filtering through traffic. It may be common sense to many, but it is also a very common cause of accidents for cyclists due to the blind spot that a lot of these vehicles have.
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