Thanks for the welcome message
Welcome to the forum @msfan
Whereabouts are you, and what kind of cycling are you into?
Celebrated reaching my 80th by cycling up the west coast of Australia
Wow; I doff my cap to you, Sir!
I am hoping to be able to cycle up the west coast of Cumbrae on my 65th. That gives me 3 years to train.
Good luck and wishes enjoy your trip !
Living in Dorset and retired.Aged nearly 85 now so cycling much more limited than it used to be
Celebrated reaching my 80th by cycling up the west coast of Australia on my touring Brompton but now suffering from poor knees so glad I did it when I did !
Mainly short trips now but weather permitting mostly every day being carless( by choice )
Have 7 bikes in my " stable" ranging from 14" to 28" wheels.,, the biggest being my least favourite......!