The Triban can ONLY be bought new from
Decathlon. It is their 'house-brand' and buying power enables them to design, spec and build a bike at a price that is simply uneconomical for for independant retailers to match......the same applies to
Halfords cheaper 'Carrera' bikes and (Horror of Horrors) their Apollo gas-pipe special range! The t3 (and many of their other bikes by all accounts) wins out in the 'value-for-money' stakes , at least, that is the general consensus. I have one.
I'm sure Decathlon would quite happily sell you a Donkey too,,,,so you still need to go in with your eyes open. Most LBS's don't deal in DOnkeys....these are the preserve of Catalogues,
eBay and Supermarkets.
I changed a few things about it for a few more quid, but it is a fine bike straight from the crate.
LBS's (I would imagine) would be more than happy to work with them...everything is well designed and specced-(you should see some of the desperado bikes they end up having to work on)....but they may (quite understandably) damn it with faint praise if only because they can't match it with anything they can sell at the price. On the other hand.....they will almost certainly be glad of your custom in the servicing and accessories they still win out in the end. Two years down the line they know you may well buy a custom fitted Pinarello from them!
Although a truly top end glitzy bike boutique may draw the line at regreasing yer T3 hubs!!
Helmets....'fitty' type these are what your bike shops will bend over to help you with. Unless you know EXACTLY what you want and trust your own judgement, online shopping can still have a lottery element to it.
CRC and many others however, have it down to a fine art.