where should i start from.

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They helped with sizing and what kit I needed etc, I was in a similar boat to you and hadn't really ridden a bike for years and they were really helpful.

I put mine in my car, if that's not an option you could get the c2c train from Grays to Southend I think, it's a bit of a ride back to Southend for your first time.

beside what are the kits you bought


Über Member
They put it all together for me, raised for seat etc and gave me a basic bike fit, put on the pump/bottle cage and computer I got from there as well while I had a look around the shop.

I ended up getting a pump, bottle cage, bottle, padded tights, padded shorts, waterproof jacket, 4 spare inner tubes and it all came to about £360.

If I take the front wheel off it fits in my Girlfriends Nissian Micra, if you are unsure how to take the wheel off I'm sure the guys at decathlon will show you.


Baldy Go
The Triban can ONLY be bought new from Decathlon. It is their 'house-brand' and buying power enables them to design, spec and build a bike at a price that is simply uneconomical for for independant retailers to match......the same applies to Halfords cheaper 'Carrera' bikes and (Horror of Horrors) their Apollo gas-pipe special range! The t3 (and many of their other bikes by all accounts) wins out in the 'value-for-money' stakes , at least, that is the general consensus. I have one.

I'm sure Decathlon would quite happily sell you a Donkey too,,,,so you still need to go in with your eyes open. Most LBS's don't deal in DOnkeys....these are the preserve of Catalogues, eBay and Supermarkets.

I changed a few things about it for a few more quid, but it is a fine bike straight from the crate.
LBS's (I would imagine) would be more than happy to work with them...everything is well designed and specced-(you should see some of the desperado bikes they end up having to work on)....but they may (quite understandably) damn it with faint praise if only because they can't match it with anything they can sell at the price. On the other hand.....they will almost certainly be glad of your custom in the servicing and accessories dept....so they still win out in the end. Two years down the line they know you may well buy a custom fitted Pinarello from them!
Although a truly top end glitzy bike boutique may draw the line at regreasing yer T3 hubs!!

Helmets....'fitty' type things....al these are what your bike shops will bend over to help you with. Unless you know EXACTLY what you want and trust your own judgement, online shopping can still have a lottery element to it. Wiggle, Evans, CRC and many others however, have it down to a fine art.


Legendary Member
Any road bike should fit in any hatchback with seats down and the front wheel off. If the avensis is a saloon it may fit on the rear seats with the wheel off - covered to protect the upholstery from oily bits

Jimmy Doug

If you know what's good for you ...
Getting second-hand is a really great idea - if and only if you know what you're looking for! Is the bike the right size? Is it in a good condition? Is the price reasonable for the age/model. I'd only go down that route if you know what you're doing, or if someone can advise you. This is why getting a T3 or something similar may be the best.


How did you get on star84? Your not still riding are you? Lol

nick for some reason i didnt go again yesterday i diverted on my way to lakeside my girls dad wanted me to help him out with something very important so i had to branch and couldnt make it to lakeside yesterday today im kinda busy if i finish in time will go to lakeside if not then it will be tomorrow cant wait ..


I think getting a bike (after a 30 year gap) was one of the best things I ever did. Mind you getting another 3 bikes over the next three years was pretty good too ;-)
I think as well as practising gear changes, practice looking behind you whilst pedalling along – pretty essential and something some people find surprisingly tricky at first.
I had a session with the council supported scheme to help new riders and found it useful.

I'd buy a bike from a local bike shop and I'd say get the bike you love (as long as you can almost afford it) but budget for a few accessories (padded shorts and a cheap track pump are two of my faves). The Cycle to Work scheme's been mentioned, this includes accessories.


hello guys i finally got my T3 yesterday got home pretty late so couldn't update u guys...first i would say the staff at the decathlon store lakeside are very very helpful,i was sized and was allowed to test ride the bike, it felt abit weird riding on a road bike for the first time in16yrs but after few test around the shop i was abit confident to ride to the train station,also bought some accessory im glad i didn't go for the more expensive bike i was looking at earlier cos that would have cost me a fortune after accessories...thanks to you guys for your recommendation you have saved me a lot of money..i spent total of 423gbp at decathlon for bike and some accessories which is still under my 450gbp budget for only a bike,i didn't get a computer though...overall i am pretty happy and cant wait to start riding....i have a few question guys why r some people avoiding to ride there t3 now i read somewhere in the forum where some folks r sayin they wont be riding there tribal 3 until summer is it that t3 cant stand the weather or something or is it jus a summer bike? jus wondering as i would like to ride my bike any day any time i feel like regardless of the weather what do you guys think advice me pls also can you guys recommend a computer pls thanks..


Swinglish Mountain Goat
hello guys i finally got my T3 yesterday got home pretty late so couldn't update u guys...first i would say the staff at the decathlon store lakeside are very very helpful,i was sized and was allowed to test ride the bike, it felt abit weird riding on a road bike for the first time in16yrs but after few test around the shop i was abit confident to ride to the train station,also bought some accessory im glad i didn't go for the more expensive bike i was looking at earlier cos that would have cost me a fortune after accessories...thanks to you guys for your recommendation you have saved me a lot of money..i spent total of 423gbp at decathlon for bike and some accessories which is still under my 450gbp budget for only a bike,i didn't get a computer though...overall i am pretty happy and cant wait to start riding....i have a few question guys why r some people avoiding to ride there t3 now i read somewhere in the forum where some folks r sayin they wont be riding there tribal 3 until summer is it that t3 cant stand the weather or something or is it jus a summer bike? jus wondering as i would like to ride my bike any day any time i feel like regardless of the weather what do you guys think advice me pls also can you guys recommend a computer pls thanks..

Congratulations on the purchase. You can ride your Triban in any weather...clean afterwards to make sure any salt or other corrosive compounds are removed. Bikes are pretty tough things!


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
If I had the choice, I'd ride my lightweight road bike in summer, and leave the heavier more agricultural bike with mudguards for wet, dirty, salty and gritty weather.
As it is, I don't have the choice, so I put some Roadracers on and I ride it an any weather, except snow lying on main roads.
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