Where have all the anti-vaxxers gone?

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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Well that shows that any serious debate here is a waste of time. Bye
You shouldn't knock it before you try it! When were you going to get involved in a serious debate?

New scam spotted: some anti-vaxxer delivered a ream of spam to Hammersmith Police Station and has now an image has started spreading that there is an investigation by "Hammersmith CID" into "Misconduct in a Public Office" over the vaccines, with a case number. There isn't. See https://www.logically.ai/factchecks/library/1191d0b5

On the same site, there is also a factcheck of one way that people have been taking the micturate out of anti-vaxxers: https://www.logically.ai/factchecks/library/d8c6e47e
Well that shows that any serious debate here is a waste of time. Bye
First you claimed that you took the vaccine and are pro vaccine. Then you put out a supposedly profound statement about listening to those one disagrees with.

Followed by links to research that won't pass basic muster and all slanted against the vaccine. Then comments about secrecy, research not completed, data not clear, etc.

And you are looking for serious debate?


East Sussex
You shouldn't knock it before you try it! When were you going to get involved in a serious debate?

New scam spotted: some anti-vaxxer delivered a ream of spam to Hammersmith Police Station and has now an image has started spreading that there is an investigation by "Hammersmith CID" into "Misconduct in a Public Office" over the vaccines, with a case number. There isn't. See https://www.logically.ai/factchecks/library/1191d0b5

On the same site, there is also a factcheck of one way that people have been taking the micturate out of anti-vaxxers: https://www.logically.ai/factchecks/library/d8c6e47e

Is that the same claim where they delivered the "papers" and the case got closed? some of the anti vaxers seriously lost their minds over that.

Bear in mind these are now the people who think they have common law constables.
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South Wales

Utterly meaningless.

Anecdotal evidence of people who have had things happen to them fairly soon after vaccination means nothing at all. I'm sure you could find just as many regarding people who have been killed in road accidents within 30 days of vaccination. That would mean just as much.

What does mean something is where studies have been carried out showing whether the incidence of such things is any greater among those vaccinated than among a similar cohort normally (or who have not been vaccinated in current times).
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East Sussex

Copying and pasting memes and nonsense from Twitter just proves you aren't interested in anything except propagating total nonsense, and lies.

Like I said ignoring the fact cardiovascular damage from the virus is a thing.

Nothing posted thus far from you has lead to anything credible, you do know by spreading this nonsense means you have some responsibility towards preventable deaths right?

Also nice to see the Australians blocked Novax again, they have some sense I see.

Derailing the thread again? I assume at this point you want it locked.
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East Sussex
Such a weak deflection. Some people are having health issues from the vaccine. You can’t deny it. Apparently though it’s so rare it’s worth it.

No it was a weak claim on your part, all medicines and all drugs have potential side effects and possible reactions.

If the reactions from the vaccines were as wide spread as some people claim then we would have major issues, the fact is they're isolated cases, it's also a fact the vaccines work.


You can be as incredulous as you like but anti vaxers are a dying breed rather literally as well.

Edit: just so you are aware also, all the vaccine adverse reactions, clots myocarditis etc, all of these carry a much higher risk from the actual virus.



Those are articles from an actual medical source, not from social media.
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