When is the last time you checked your cycling clothing?

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I bought some lycra-style cycling clothes when I got back into cycling about 10 or more years ago (though, apart from a few bikeless spells, I never really stopped cycling - I don't drive and still used a bike for utility riding). I wore them a few times and they've been in the cupboard ever since.

The only "cycling clothes" that I wear now are Endura long trousers (without padded liners - just regular M&S microfibre pants), SPD footwear and waterproofs. I also have cycling socks because my other footwear requires thick socks to fit and my cycling footwear requires thin socks to fit. My latest waterproof jacket is a Galibier Courchevel - bought because it works very well off the bike as well as on it.


Über Member
I don’t know how many short sleeve jerseys or bib shorts I have but I know I only have one long sleeved jersey. I used to commute year round and still probably wore the LS jersey fewer than 10 times


Keep sane, and forward on!! ;-)
London, UK
I've got a large plastic shopping bag with bits and pieces of cycling clothing at the top compartment of my wardrobe I've bought over several years, with about a third of it quality stuff (Endura and Altura shorts, trousers, and tops). As I'm a fairweather cyclist, I haven't invested in any hi-tec (premium price) waterproofs. I may need to change my ways as a tour of parts of Cumbria and N. Yorks a couple of years ago included going up to the very cold, wet and windy Tan Hill Inn) and left me cold and shivering. And now, at short notice, I'm cycling the Hadrian's Wall Cycleway with a couple of friends week after next, so will have to sort out the few warmer stuff and waterproofs the way this weather in the UK has been this spring (now Summer).


Silencing his legs regularly
Yup, it's still there.


Pics please



But seriously, more of my wardrobe space is given over to cycle/hiking clothing than to civilian clothing!

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I haven't cycled for over four years. My lycra/polyester stuff is on the top shelf of my wardrobe along with many football shirts. I check it every now and then to make sure there's no mold, dead spiders etc. I have 5 merino wool retro style cycling jerseys in a drawer. I leave the drawer slightly open to allow air circulation and check the jerseys every now and then for moths, as I do with all my natural fabric clothes.
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