What's your dissertation about?

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Über Member
Well there could be a parallel dissertation on the Newtonian liquid properties of custard as it cools at different temperatures. But the sensory sampling would need to happen before your bare feet touched the custard.

Or it could just be A Desert ,served with rhubarb crumble?

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Or it could just be A Desert ,served with rhubarb crumble?

A Dessertation
Yellow Fang

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
I had another idea for a dissertation, but it was rather ambitious. I heard Brian Cox say on a YouTube clip that there was a debate on whether knowledge is destroyed when something falls into a black hole. He said that if a book fell into a black hole all its knowledge would eventually come out again in the form of Hawking Radiation. My dissertation would show that of course knowledge is destroyed if you throw a book into a black hole, and that even if it did leak out again as Hawking Radiation there would be no one around to read it anyway.
I had another idea for a dissertation, but it was rather ambitious. I heard Brian Cox say on a YouTube clip that there was a debate on whether knowledge is destroyed when something falls into a black hole. He said that if a book fell into a black hole all its knowledge would eventually come out again in the form of Hawking Radiation. My dissertation would show that of course knowledge is destroyed if you throw a book into a black hole, and that even if it did leak out again as Hawking Radiation there would be no one around to read it anyway.

If you throw a Cox's Pippin into a black hole, as I did this wednesday afternoon, it does indeed leak out as appley smelling Hawking Radiation.
Eggs leak out as Hawking Cosmic Wind, but I wouldn't recommend it.


Über Member
If you throw a Cox's Pippin into a black hole, as I did this wednesday afternoon, it does indeed leak out as appley smelling Hawking Radiation.
Eggs leak out as Hawking Cosmic Wind, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Boiled cabbage isn't that great!
But we are going of thread here, this isn't Cooking with Delia
Boiled cabbage isn't that great!
But we are going of thread here, this isn't Cooking with Delia

Delia Smith's dissertation sold 80 million copies worldwide, although it was a very thin crêpe away from a fail.
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Legendary Member
A study into the links between tv personalities and filthy pervert behaviour, and causative factors.
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