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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
The history of exclamation marks in English.

How about in French?



Über Member
A study into the links between tv personalities and filthy pervert behaviour, and causative factors.

Delias' got a good dozen fresh free range eggs...... maybe she is about to indulge in filthy pervereted behaviour with them.
Drago best get his Superman Y - fronts on.
Why do many mature democracies end up with almost a 50-50 split between two main parties?

I'd be interested The correlation between the date of the formation of a national voting system and the tendency to produce a near 50/50 split between two main parties.

My hypothesis would be that those designing more recent systems have the benefit of seeing how the earlier systems turned out, so they could try to design a system that would mitigate against this tendency.
The correlation between the cost of the car and the drivers tendency to:

  • Not indicate.
  • Drive over speed limits.
  • Ignore diversions and try to find a way through.
  • Generally drive in a manner dangerous to vulnerable road users.

Follow-up study; the correlation between the above and most consumed news media.
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Legendary Member
A study into the links between tv personalities and filthy pervert behaviour, and causative factors.

There would be real value in that. My hypothesis is the power imbalance whereby everyone is so beholden to the "stars" whether directly for their jobs, or access to roles or airplay, that they get away with it so easily. Any whistle blower risks being ostracised and unemployable. I would think that sports coaches and the like there is a similar power imbalance whereby a talented and driven athlete, just like a young performer or actor, cannot get a look-in unless they put up with abuse as the abuser controls access.


Legendary Member
Something astrophysicsy.

Me too. Admittedly I'm nowhere near smart enough these days, even assuming I ever was, My interests would be black hole formation; specifically how does an end-of-life star collapse, when from an outside observer's perspective, the collapsed bit itself is in "our infinite future" so to speak. Suskind et al may have explained it, so perhaps it's merely study rather than research !
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Yellow Fang

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
Me too. Admittedly I'm nowhere near smart enough these days, even assuming I ever was, My interests would be black hole formation; specifically how does an end-of-life star collapse, when from an outside observer's perspective, the collapsed bit itself is in "our infinite future" so to speak. Suskind et al may have explained it, so perhaps it's merely study rather than research !

Why don't you do one on Dark Matter? They still don't know what that is. If you could work that out you might win a Nobel and be invited onto In Our Time to explain it to Melvin Bragg. You might even get on the Joe Rogan podcast.
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