What's your dissertation about?

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Another thing I'd like to investigate is how WW2 recipes compare with modern food. I've made a few things out of curiosity - including mock marmalade - and they're surprisingly tasty.


Legendary Member
Most bicycles have chains, although belts and shafts have been tried. Maybe I would modify a bicycle to be driven by electrical induction. Your pedals would work a generator which would power a motor in the back wheel. People would look in wonder. It must have been tried before so the dissertation would be why it does not work very well.

It's used on diesel railway locomotives, and also on the (unsuccessful) Porsche version of the Tiger tank, the initial run then all being completed as Elefant tank destroyers instead


Über Member
Brownian motion or brown motion?

You mean, putting a dollop of said yeasty extract on a plate then repeated beating with a spoon, to note it's changed in shade and texture.
This was a thing way back, a cardboard plate was required, to lessen the impact of the platte being broken, and subsequent clip around the lugg 'oles, ala PC Chopper!

All uphill

Still rolling along
I've done a couple which my brain refuses to remember; aversion therapy in action.

Now I'd go for:

"Options and Alternatives to Incarceration for people breaking socially accepted norms, with a focus on achieving better outcomes in more humane conditions at lower cost"
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Kilometre nibbler
Mine was my first significant programming project, in Fortran. It was a DNA sequence analysis thing and I can still remember it all in great detail 40 years on.

But if I went back to University now ... the big question would be what would I study? I don't think I'd have necessary level of commitment - and would I actually care whether I passed or not? Probably something around the history of science and mathematics. I might want to write a dissertation on something like Durer's Solid
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