I remember reading about this years ago
Weird thoough it may sound- there is a trade newspaper for IT professionals - i.e. programmers, system analysts and the like not just "a bloke who knows about computers - called Computer Weelkly
I used to get it for free as a professional programmer
They got several awards for investigative journalism - beating big Nationals such as the Telegraph or Daily Mail
One was this Post Office stuff
I read articles about it for several weeks running - being mostly for IT people it went into details about what happened and what the tried to get away with
This stated the whole scandal off - but it was several years before it all came out and the company was forced to admit that it knew about the faults all along and just let the victims lives be destroyed rather than have the company profits and share price be affacted
Personally I think some of them should be tried for manslaughter and chucked in jail
anyway - I would think it is worth listening to!