back and brave
Re-watching True Detective season 1. Forgot how good it is, Matthew McConaughey is superb in this. Remember season 2 was pretty bad though with different actors, so will skip that and watch season 3, as each season is a different tale.
Season 1 is good, very good indeed imho... but then I'm a sucker for that southern gothic vibe thing. It probably set the trend and created an expectancy because, as you say, each season IS different. Season 2 gets bad press sometimes perhaps because of that expectation, when it's not actually that bad in its own right. Ok, it's fair to say that it's not up there with the best ever tele, but it doesn't suck either! OK, defence over!
I've just finished watching Shrink Next Door, a really fascinating based-on-fact story about a New York psychiatrist and a patient he scams/takes financial advantage of (he does similar to others too). There's a level of black humour to it, and some NY Jewish kinda shtick too, which carries it through its slower episodes.
On a related note, Shrinking is wonderful viewing, I've one episode left to watch. It's laugh a minute stuff, excellent performances (Harrison Ford is just brilliant) and I thoroughly recommend it (There's some good stuff on Apple TV generally)