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Mar del plasticos. Don't bother. What a pile of it. The main plot wasn't too bad, but with irrelevant personal conflicts. Everyone had one with everyone else. Plus the acting was awful.

Chris S

Legendary Member
8 out of 10 cats does Countdown. I was rather surprised to hear that people outside Birmingham don't refer to traffic roundabouts as 'islands'.

Chris S

Legendary Member
Bodyguard. Not so much TV that I am watching as TV that I am no longer watching. Last week's episode finished with Brolly Boobs bonking her bodyguard. This week's started with more of the same so I just turned it off.


Bodyguard. Not so much TV that I am watching as TV that I am no longer watching. Last week's episode finished with Brolly Boobs bonking her bodyguard. This week's started with more of the same so I just turned it off.

Same here, tho i only managed the first episode.
And that was a struggle


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Quatermass II (1955). Seen it before and it's a lot more engaging than I recall. Clearly a live broadcast because the Prof keeps fluffing his lines and carrying on regardless. Classic sci-fi. 7/10


Legendary Member
Watching the complete Chuck https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuck_(TV_series) , up to series 3 now - it is just brilliant. We watched it when it first came out (Channel 4 probably) and bought each of the DVDs as they were released. One of the best series ever, just Awesome :smile:


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Bodyguard. Not so much TV that I am watching as TV that I am no longer watching. Last week's episode finished with Brolly Boobs bonking her bodyguard. This week's started with more of the same so I just turned it off.

Same here, tho i only managed the first episode.
And that was a struggle

After a fair number of good meaty dramas on TV over the last few years (esp' from the Beeb) I'm really disappointed with this one - was really looking forward to it too.

Very weak characterisation for the two main characters - I feel no empathy for either of them and frankly couldn't give a jot what happens to them.

The bonk-fest elements are painful to watch. I'm far from a prude, and in fairness the sex scenes are very tame, but one or two have been ludicrously elongated and are oh so cliched. The scene with Keeley Hawes with her hand down her knickers egging her PPO on was juvenile imo and added nothing to the story line - just some mild titillation for viewers that find such things titillating.

Some elements of the plot seem absurd: Head of SO15 (?) deliberately withholds support from the under fire Home Secretary and this is not a traceable event? HS's PPO has long-term links with his ex-soldier pal who tries to kill the HS and this is not traceable? Ex-soldier pal not traceable despite having been in the British Armed Forces? All seems a bit absurd to me - this is supposed to be intelligent drama not some Bond-fest where a suspension of disbelief is mandatory.

Poor effort and I'm not bothering with the rest of the series.
A repeated edition of 'Star-Trek Enterprise' whilst having tea
Tripp visits an alien ship, to help with repairs & ends up pregnant
Cue an indignant T'Pol berating him for not being careful

Quatermass II (1955). Seen it before and it's a lot more engaging than I recall. Clearly a live broadcast because the Prof keeps fluffing his lines and carrying on regardless. Classic sci-fi. 7/10
I remember 'Q & The Pit' scaring the bejesus out of me as kid
Psychological horror?

As did 'Night Of The Demon'


North Shields
Disenchantment on Netflix.

Tricky to rate, and you'll be Groening at some of the familiarity, but once the stories properly get going (around episode 6) it's really good fun. A stellar cast saw me got me through to that point and I'm hoping the next installment will continue the quality now that it has found it's feet.


Have to concur with the consensus - finally got round to Ep1 of Bodyguard last night, watching with my 22yr old daughter, and we both thought it was a pile of poo. If I see one more stressed out cop struggling to save his marriage...
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